Sorry if i seem a bit outta sorts, but +#'* me i have had a bad time these past months. I honestly thought i was condemned to die (deep down i still think i am). I left the Borg about a year ago with my wife and family all intact (or so I thought). We have had no words with anyone at our former KH. We had 4 or 5 cards from some elders and their wives (usual apologists for the w-t 100% point of view, not an ounce of sincerity, or should that be honesty) . We did actually receive one card from a close friend of a few years ago that told us in the words of a C.O. they knew "not to let the b<+#*rs grind us down". I thought that was some admission and was for a change a breath of fresh air.
All that aside I met up with a brother that I was really close to but who had been disfellowshipped 10yrs or more ago. It was great to see and talk to him again, but I was not prepared for the range of emotions that all of this was releasing. The long and the short of it was I ended up off work for a month, suffering a severe nervous anxiety that hit from nowhere. I went back to work having been put on a betablocker by my Doc, sorry to say I did not last long back at my Job, and again was off for another month.
The anxious feelings were unbearable, but next came the sleepless nights and total exhaustion, I would have pressed a button to end it all immediately if I could have. Then came the guilt, shit, every sin I had ever committed came flashing into my mind condemning me!!! Why now? I had never worried about them before leaving the Borg. Next I started trying to be more perfect than I had ever tried to be as a witness.
I had to see a therapist next, shit. Oh boy did she get it in the neck with all my neuroses spilling over. She told me i had deconsructed my world having left the witnesses and she really felt sorry about my condition. I told her that that was not what I wanted to hear. It seems that it is impossible to explain to someone who aint been a witness how it feels to have abandoned GOD (or so i was trying to convince myself, it is a fight).
My doc next put me on anti-d pills and only now after a month of being on them have I finally felt some kind of relief from the relentless self-persecution.
love@ you