I have seen a couple of threads today about ones that went to a convention. They were complaining that their experience was not good in doing so. In my opinion when its over its over. Why crawl back to one of these meetings? What is the point? I can see it if one is looking to recover their standing as a JW if this is not the case, give it up! Move on for crying out loud! Leave the rest of the ones still in the collective worship as they please. Its a free country. I am not advocating a return to the damn borg but, why put the life energy into a failing religion that has already robbed a butt load of your life?
The well is poisen! Why go to a toxic well of a WT convention this summer?
by Thechickennest 10 Replies latest jw friends
New light for you
i understand what you mean, and i had a HARD time understanding that when i first came to the board... because when i found out it all was a lie, i left right away...as painful as it was.
What i realized is that EVERYONE has DIFFERENT reasons, and different degrees of being in "the truth". Lots of people have generations of family in the organization, or unbelieving mates. As much as that would NOT have worked for us, I think we all learn we need to respect that everyone has their own way of leaving. Many people take many many years, some decide immediately, it's very individual.
New Light For You: Point well taken, thank you.
The part that seems futile is trying to make part of ones exit from the lie by attending meetings. If one is fading and no one is the wiser, attending a meeting or a convention is benign and it holds out the prospect of on going relations with friends and relatives. To show up at covention and hassle the attendants is another matter.
Boy I hated those conventions. the heat, my small kids, the heat, the chairs, the crowds, when i look back,
Were my brains sucked out ? what was I thinking? it was the worst time I ever had!!
In my last few years I made a couple of deliberate efforts to be seen at a DC - just showing up at lunch break, saying hi to a lot of familiar faces, 'yes it's a great program this year.... oh I liked the talk about love...'
I wanted to point out that Terry in no way made trouble with the attendants - he was just spotted at the door by a no-life bint who wanted some kind of melodrama for the day.
.... Because some of us enjoy the feeling we get when people give us unsolicited advice on how to run our lives and then ignore it. Thanks for the trip dude, tell me I'm naughty again, wee! I hope my dubfriends come through as well! Wee!
Tired of the Hypocrisy
You know, I have to go now and then to keep the wife happy. Her being so sick has actually helped me by not having to go to meetings or assemblies. I often fancy the idea of going there to raise hell. Like go up to the platform and throw a handfull of crap at the talker...LOL Then I figure I will be like Balaam and instead of cursing the witlesses I will have to kiss their butts...
I go to a day or two with my JW husband. Have you ever gone to a concert or fishing trip for the sake of your adorably significant other, even if it isn't your bag?
He's done it for me.
That is my point. Quite a few are early in their fade, and must go to avoid rocking the boat too much. Others have family that are depending on them. Still others go to pick out points to share on this board. For those people, they really have no choice.
However, most of us have no use for that spiritual monosodium glutamate that is coming from the Grand Boasting Session. When these people go, they are exposing themselves to Brother Hounder in their own congregation as well as the hounders running the show. There is also a risk of nostalgia (falsely based) that might lead them to want to go back more regularly, and those people are better off if they do not set foot inside the place. If you are curious, just stay on this forum. There is always someone here that has to go to appease family or because they want specifically to post notes from the wastefest.
Everyone else is better off saving their gas.
Above all, DO NOT SUPPORT THE GRAND BOASTING SESSIONS! Putting money into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund boxes is stupid, and the money is better off spent elsewhere.
I stopped going to conventions a while before I left for good. It was just depressing going by myself (hubbie df, kids grown and wouldn't go). And the district conv. was at Cow Palance in SF - a ways for me to go and an ugly,depressing site for a convention. And when you did go it was just "what more could you be doing - are you regular in service, can you Pioneer". You just were never doing enough. I can understand people who go to please family or whatever, but I'm not in that situation, so you couldn't force me to go.