Thank you to everyone ,awesome job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how do you prove to a JW that they they were wrong about 1975?I
by paybacktime19 40 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Malachi Elijah
I worship Jehovah, not very well, but in many ways that others fail. I am not into selling Kingdom Hall brothers colloidal silver as Jehovah's cure-all (as my relatives are, and they do so without guilt of conscience as long as they dont accredit the cure-all to Jehovah). But I am very confused about this question of 1975. Please tell me, what is it, that they are wrong about concerning 1975? And who are you saying is wrong, (The Watchtower mags are wrong? WatchTower branches? the JWs in the Kingdom Halls?) I dont think that 2000 years ago that Jesus should be blamed or WRONG because of anything the apostles did or said. And so too i feel that the JWs or WatchTower should also be regarded as those wrong sitting beside those who are right. I dont beleive Judas is just those who have left, but rather that the worst Judas is still inside beside them to do the worst, the same thing he did 2000 years ago. I am going to start out by forewarning you of what i am, we'll see who attacks me first, will it be this forum, or apostates, or will it be the WatchTower? Like enmity or hatred between two at each others throats i am here, and the way i see it i will be hated on both sides. The WatchTower will say i am another apostate when i am through; and you will say i am a JW defending them. And we will see if the WatchTower sues me as my father has stated they are asking around to do. And if this happens to be all back in 1996 then i should sue them for the fact my father is not a baptized JW and that it's alienation of affection and harrassment for WatchTower reps to be nosing into my nonJW relatives to stir this animosity up. I am willing to speak in court, because i feel it is Jehovah who gets defended not me. The background to this hearsay that WatchTower is seeking to sue me will be gotten to soon enough, but the question is first about 1975. So the comment about suing me because i posted in 1996 elders by name who told a sister how to do oral and not call it intercourse may well be posted again as further topic, after this 1975 thing is answered. Hearsay also said the sister refused to testify against the fact those things were all true. And as truth i will say it again. Is it not so that Jehovah is bringing sexually abused children to come forth! Do you not think for one moment that Jehovah wants it cleared up!
Here is how I see, and it seems to me: The WatchTower has anointed ones who should not be blamed for what all the JWs do. In fact even the whole publishing house should not be blamed for what JWs make of articles that are not there in publish. But I will say that both Jehovah and Satan do know that masses will lie and say it was the minority who leave in 1975 when nothing happened, when in fact the majority did say it will happen in 1975 and they would also say that if you dont think so for 1975 then it is the holy anointed you are defying. It is true that those who wanted 1975 did leave. At that time i did nto know this also happened in 1927-1928. But in 1983 i did find the books that said with 1874 as 6000 years they hoped of resurrection in 1926. No big deal to me, why would i find fault. I love chronology and i also know how neither the world nor the WatchTower has it all pieced together yet. I can say my greatest happiness (sometimes only happiness) in being alive is that i am possibly the only person who knows the most about chronology back to Adam. NO, stretching all the details back 6000 years does not mean i can tell you everything about 500 years ago. That isnt what i said here. But my paranoia, like Moses hated as Jew by Egyptian and hated as Egyptian by Jew is that both JWs and you will have your digs and slams against me here. I could end up dead by the time i am finished. The vast majority OF THOSE WHO SAID VERBALLY IN HALLS that you are apostate if you dont accept 1975, are not the ones who left. Those who left are a minority. So many women wanted to avoid divorce because they taught each other during meeting off hours that Jehovah would wipe out their no-good unbeleiving husband that they really wanted to divorce and the Hall didnt allow it. I am not stupid, i know these things were said. My mother beat me with a belt buckle until i had red swelts because a sister said Tootsie Roll lecithin is from blood, and at the movies the Tootsie Roll was the only thing i liked. So mom put her faith not in Jehovah but inthis sister and i got read the blood scripture and beaten until i close to bleeding. The little boy i was who once loved Jehovah, my Jehovah knows they killed him; at 9 i was told to go into a Canadian gas station bathroom for a Winnepeg 1966 assembly that our whole city attended because they regarded the assigned Montreal assembly as a trip thru Detroit where blakc riots would get you. And i came out and two cars of ten people were GONE. Three hours later on the radio, mr.judicial committee and his wife came back from the camp site to get me and her words in his presence were JEHOVAH IS GOING TO DESTROY LITTLE BOYS LIKE YOU AT ARMAGEDDON WHO DONT LISTEN TO THEIR PARENTS. This is from a man who pinch the hair of the legs of a male waiter in shorts in front of his wife, dressed up as Jezebel for Kingdom Hall costume parties, checked into whether new bible studies were homo or not, gave back rubs to sisters and brothers during the meeting as he stood behind them, and glorified himself as saving ME at a Chicago district assembly because security was following me around too stupid to know what the first Sony Walkman tape cassette was. Not to mention i had his permission to video tape the assembly with the first consumer video cams out (equipment the size of TV studios). So i think i qualilfy as the abused from all sides who isnt showing a partiality in only one-directional favor. THOSE who were the majority of pushing 1975 as Armageddon are those in the Halls themselves, i refuse to believe they had the support of the WatchTower behind them. They think it is the majority of those who acted like this, that thenm left. But those who left were those who admitted the 1975 was pushed, and now wanted to blame not themselves as they ought to, nor blame the rest or others who stayed and were equally guilty, but rather the few wanted to blame the WatchTower, the top headquarters. The truth is those who were guilty of preaching this, and then staying (saying where else Lord are we to go, here is the truth), these ones relieved their guilt by now lying and saying that they themselves never said 1975. YES, i know the WatchTower never went to that extent to say it was 1975. They even warned it could be a FEW years. But when others were trying to blame the few who are worshipped in each Hall for being these know-alls, the know-alls would deny that they said such things, and they would lie and turn it around saying that the one stumbled who now wishes to leave is blaming the faithful slave. NO. Not at all. Yes a few, maybe many did blame the slave. Like blaming Jesus for the ear Peter took off by sword. BUT many were trying to blame the glorified worshipped elders in Halls who were the ones that pushed all this lying 1975 stuff, and instead these elders sought to slaughter these stumbled ones by denying their crime and saying that the stumbled ones were actually accusing the faithful slave. It happens all the time.... speak against one bad guy in an internet chat room, and that one bad guy will be saying that the whole room is offended. He will speak for others he has no right to speak for. And this is true, JWs speak for the faithful slave all the time saying things they have no right to say. My father was told by a sister that man will not be able to land on the moon and that is what scripture interpretation meant when referring to gravity pulling man back to his home where he belongs. My dad full of faith told everyone at work, and they laughed at him then when they landed. But they landed because is faith was in a damn sister who should not have been studying with my dad. They would say it was better for her to teach the men and wear a head covering of respect, rather than for men to accept their oblilgation of repsecting their job by conducting these studies. So from this i could see this sister selling vitiamin cure-alls to her students, while my JW mom advocated women to dump and divorce their husbands that Jehovah certainly doesnt approve of etc. Yes to me i see the WatchTower had its hands full being lied to by elders and hurting the sheep,
I clearly beleived it would not happen in 1975, too much evidence it wouldnt. The major issue seemed to be everyone was wrapped up in having sex. This included the doctrine that Adam could not be single for 1-2 years or he would be masturbating. And it included there was no way he could have be with Eve without doing it every day, which of course means a baby every single 9 months. It was the days when the word sex meant youre male or female, and having sex is certainly a weird phrase because of course everybody has a sex unless it was surgical or deformed. So people would finish their talk about sex on stage, and elaborate more about MAKING LOVE afterward where freedom permitted. Meanwhile my knowing Armageddon would not come in 1975 was proven to me by my faith that Jehovah does answer anything JWs at a Hall do not. No one at the Hall knew of any chronology from the AID book, or any books of the Watchtower. How and why 1975 is 6000 years meant nothing to any of those JWs in the Hall. Yet they were ready to call apostate anyone who believed it could be as late as 1980 or further. It is the years after 1975 that they accused those leaving as the ones who advocated it, when in fact the advocaters stayed and just denied their part of going beyond what the WatchTower had said. This is not new. In 1983, an elder in the audience answered a Sunday question saying the paragraph clearly was telling us that survivors of Armageddon will lose their power of procreation and not be able to have children just like the ressurected. How just and fair he said this was of Jehovah. I asked everyone afterward if thats what they got from the paragraph, and they all said no way. Yet no discpline. Yet on a bus on the way back from a Chicago district assembly, and elders wife had the new bible released who showed me the new wonderful charts in the back of it. I told her how some get the impression the moon is always half of one month and half of the next month, and that the moon does not do that. Her brother-in-law elder stood up and in front of all JWs on the bus said he was tired of my apostate views. Is there any wonder that at 8 and 9 and 12 and 15 and 18 that i never had any friends at this Hall? They didnt want ot be part of the issues created. Incompetent fools.
Well lets see if this 50 year biography has room to post.... to be continued.
Malachi Elijah
Break Time:
1971 the year Jehovah started me on world chronology thru the WatchTower. In return he promised me the draft would end so that when i graduated in 1974 and turned 18, i wouldnt be in prison. My oldest brother gave a long written explanation of why he couldnt serve after graduating in 1966, and then after the beating up between him and mom on the front lawn, he went into the army by choice and came back smoking. He has never been disfellowshipped. JWs loved having their car fixed by him saying it was business not social, despite he has no auto mechanic business. He worked at the AMC plan t like the rest of us building cars. My next brother graduating in 1968 went into pioneering which saved him from the draft. BUt he was removed from pioneering when at 20 mom forced him to break an engagement to a 26 year old pioneer she felt was grabbing her young son up. Yuck so ugly mom said she was. But mom loved her boy as a hairdresser and thats where he went where the men of the Hall could then accuse him of being a homo. My brother has lived with a man who takes care of him for 35 years, and he too has never been disfellowshipped. Many JWs have gone up to be entertained by them, have their hair cut, etc. It only ended 9 years ago when brother hated the fact mom found and took my aunts (her sisters) $500,000 in $20s in shoe boxes under the bed and borther didnt get any of it. From there he looked at how mom is eveil and ruined everyone's life, and he started calling all the sisters he cuts hair for and told them how evil she was. So understand that trouble existed at the Hall for this family before my personal experiences in 6000-year world chronology which DOES end in 1975, and it revealed to me that Armageddon would come in 1996-97 or 2008-09 pending on the 7 times, and Daniel's 70 weeks, and Artaxerxes.
(to be continued)
Malachi- welcome to the JWD. I don't quite know what to say to all that - how long have you been saving this up to put it all into your first post? I am going to take you at your word, and ignore all the tangle of subjects to take on 1975.
I think that the 1975 issue was simple: It did get taught by the society, it was encouraged from the highest levels, (Freddy Franz), it was repeated at the assembly talks and constantly in the hall.
When nothing happened as far as the end of the world and thousand year reign of Christ in 1975, the teachers of this were plainly confirmed as being wrong. Now, you can just stop at calling this "wrong" if you want to cover up for them, but I do not.
I call this kind of teaching a false prophecy. It was a prophetic teaching that did not come true.
After the fact, the society apologized for it in a half-hearted way, but also said that many ordinary witnesses sort of believed in this too much on their own. This is also false - no witness would have ever believed in it if they had not been taught to believe it.
What do you think made Franz and the rest of the WTS orgination teach this to people back in the 60s and 70s?
I would be fascinated to hear from you again (could we save the moon landing, abuse, and the other subjects for some other threads, maybe)?
James (was a young elder in 1975, 26 years old, and I too never actually believed the end was coming that year.) But, I knew to keep my mouth shut and go along with it until the society said different. Or until I finally had enough of this junk in 1980.
I find that jws fall into 2 categories 1) those jws during the 1975 era from 1966 to 1976, and 2) those born after that time. Those adult and alive during that period were bombarded by articles, talks at assemblies, conventions, KH platform, private statements by elders, COs, DOs, GB members, Bethelites that 1975 was a done deal. After 1975, the WTS did damage control in print and stopped mentioning the date 1975 in publications. Unless a jw was the type to read more than the assigned material, they wouldn't have a clue. On top of that older jws would tell them their reinvented version. Who would want to admit they were fooled.
Exactly right. I, too was "alive during that period", and you accurately characterize congregational life then as being "bombarded by [all the pro 1975 stuff]....." ......yes, it was exactly as you describe.
I distinctly recall a "brother" who smugly/proudly told everyone in the congregation how smart he was in that he bought a new car with a loan that had a very large final "balloon payment" due after 1975 and how smart he was, 'cause he'd never have to pay it back etc.
It irks me to hear/read JW apologists try to minimize/change history either intentionally or because they weren't there and so don't realize the degree of "damage control" that has gone on since.....
The bible says no one knows the hour or day as a theif in the night so if these people in new york are truly Gods channel the they would never been instructed to talk,discuss or hint around about the end ,they did this FIVE times.this is just to get started I have found alot of other things.
Dangit Terry. Reading that play by play has my stomach in knots. I was fairly young, but I remember some of that feeling you are talking about. I also remember going to an assembly in Southern California, and having to sit somewhere away from the stage, like the cafeteria, because it was so packed there was no where to sit. Having the sound piped in. The talk started with the loud ticking of a clock.
Here is my question on 1975, or predictions in general. How can they claim it's just "individuals" that got everyone stirred up into a frenzy, and still maintain that they are god's organization, with him at the helm?
{WT Aug 15 1968 page 494} "WHY ARE YOU LOOKING FORWARD TO 1975? .. What about all this talk concerning the year 1975? Lively discussions, some based on speculation, have burst into flame during recent months among serious students of the Bible. Their interest has been kindled by the belief that 1975 will mark the end of 6,000 years of human history since Adam's creation in the fall of the year 1975, a little over seven years from now .. it will be 6,000 years since the creation of Adam."
The tone of this is incredible!
It is an affectation.
As though the Watchtower writer is a bystander.
Ask yourself this question: Does the article's writer own a point of view?
The tone seeks to create an EXTERNALIZED point of view. It is like a drive by gaper eyeballing an accident on the roadside. "Wow, look at that. Wonder if anybody got hurt?"
Insidious, if you ask me. By taking this external tone they can fan the fires of speculation and LEND CREDENCE simultaneously by putting it out there in the official mouthpiece publication of Jehovah! Plausible deniability can be created with this tone as well.
Malachi Elijah
notice it does say all people wil never gorw old, it says young people will never grow old. Of course this just means others are considered as already grown old and must grow young. But what is failed to be heeded is when science is sent to the WT and it is ignored. Already a mockery when special wheat seed was sent to ?? Russell or Rutherford?? i dont know the year. Now they shun further gifts of truth. Science has gone to genetic research, but the WT scoffs it as tamporing with God. or worshipping the works of man. Yet of what great feat is this, does not all other religions likewise mock man's efforts and isnt that why we have doom and gloom hollywood movies about the End caused by wayward science?
The same with the pyramid, they were wrong about the pyramid only because they accepted wrong worldy sources, now todays sources are still worldly, do they accept them, in a way no, the guard is up and they dont want the mockery again, but in a way yes they still accept the world because they have been sent the facts that the first men of Noahs family after the Flood died with Peleg in 2030 BC which is 140 years after the oldest year the pyramids can be (2170 BC). So they have no business writing articles that say these were built as tombs, and yet they do write just that, and that is sin against Jehovah just to save face because of the pyramid map they had accepted from Piazzi Smyth and pyramidologists. HEY this isnt to select them as fools, 90% of 1914 people had assinine remedies for sale in the papers and in stores. Not to mention X-rays for shoe stores ????
So now the news Feb 1985 break thru, Jehovah proves carbon 14 ages us and we must purge it out before Armageddon or those who survive Armageddon that are over 30 will still get old and die and then need a resurrection. WOW anyone accept this or see the proof in C14 curve for life and Genesis and Flood and canopy.... i did, why not they. If what Jeho vah shows me is not to be accepted, then why didnt they go dig up their own proof so Jehovah would give it to them what they didnt want (from me because Jehovah gave it to me). I would like to say, that feeding sheep at the proper time means who is found feeding the sheep when all others are not feeding the sheep. It doesnt mean they are on the proper time.... example proper time is to prewarn elders what will happen if they touch children, proper time is prewarning what will happen if single girls have sex and get pregnant, proper time is not the big waring to all after it is seen 30,000 have been lost each year from a problem you refuse to see for 6 years. In this way the scripture does not say the christ is the one who is always on time, or that it wasnt needed until now because this is now today the day and month and hour of the proper time to write a mag article on it....WRONG... again those who are the christ are indeed the christ, but the proper time only means that they are doing what others christs are not in needs. It DOES NOT MEAN they never F**K up at it which they sure do dont they. I am not like those following Jesus trying to prove him to see himself as a sinner. I am not trying to dtermine which ones are the sinners at that WT, thats not what i have done here. I have clarified what it means to feed the sheep. And that the devil is the one who tries to kill others as if it is not their JOB. The best example, it is the devil in the followers of Jesus who kept pushing them to despise JOhn the Baptizer saying look Jesus he is not following you, do something, denounce him, excommunicate him, get rid of this JOhn he says your the christ and he isnt here following you WITH US, BESIDE US, EQUAL TO US. Fatherless bastards werent they.
(If anyone doesnt like what i say, i know how to edit, and i am sure you do too without attacking me or eahc other.)
Malachi Elijah
James (was a young elder in 1975, 26 years old, and I too never actually believed the end was coming that year.) But, I knew to keep my mouth shut and go along with it until the society said different. Or until I finally had enough of this junk in 1980. James
I have walked into the WT society three times. Jehovah has sent me to divide Judas from Christ, and Judas will kill Christ, he will kill Esther. Those who were once JWs will know what i mean. And i know that if Jehovah needs to prove this to the wife of his Son that as he let them take John's life beheaded against his wishes, he will let them take my life against my wishes. My words themselves here sound insane, but i have learned much of what happened in the bible was actually caused by the word of mouth that got around in misinterpeted prophecy. Paul was arrested and went to Rome before the Romans came to Jerusalem. This is why contrary to WT who says (the UN beast will hate the woman and so they say as) Rome came against Jerusalem in hating her... they are wrong. Josephus the only record of that destruction says that the Romans said let us in the city and we will declare peace. they didnt even say let us in to claim conquest. They said let us in for peace, and religion then went into the temple (inside the city) carrying weapons (into church) to go thru the city wall into the WatchTower which is outside the city, up the stairs and shot down on the Romans to start war. This means that the govnt and religion situation may be one of peace not hate and the woman is who makes it a hate by pulling her weapons out on it. This is what i found in Josephus in 1983.
I come to this site, as i did before (but then stayed out), not to join it and be part of it, but rather to divide this site into those for Jehovah and against Jehovah as i also went into the WT this year and last year to do the same. And many of you are sons who would go back to fathers if you knew the hour was here. That hour i am going toprsent to you, and only faith can trust it. Because it is like those in Sodom, i have found Armageddon requires a march, gathered, on foot, by car, by plane, etc or you die. I have the reason there too, and it science not merely because i say it was that way before and so i say it will be that way again. I am a realist as Jehovah is. But i have found that Jehovah allowed sin in Armageddon calendars and coutns in all religions and also in the WT because truth is no one would have stayed from 1874 to 2008 if the year 2009 had ben told to them all. Try telling Paul back in 80 AD that Armageddon will come in 2070 more years. You have to see what Jesus said. The son who does it what God wants even though he walked away at first, because the one saying they are doing the work does nothing, he is all mouth.
There are 7 weeks to build the city (and there are 7 and 62 weeks to build the city). And the city is the Christ. The first stone. Then 144,000 stones, and then 28 billion stones. Daniel marks Jesus, then he marks the christ of armageddon (144,000) then he marks the end of 1000 years. 7 jubilees plus 62 jubilees are 69 jubilees to 70 jubilees, and this is 1000 years after 7 weeks of jubilees which are 49 jubilees to a 50th jubilee because 49 jubilees to 50th is 1000 years (20 jubilees) to 69 jubilees to 70th. Simply put we already know 1000 years after Armageddon. And individual people surviving Armageddon will easily reach their age 1000 before it is over, easily in 950 years. So when survivors have enjoyed 950 years (the age of Noah at death), many will already be 1000 that year. Now back up. What precedes the 1000 is 7 weeks of jubilees. Everyone here, you tell me how is it a church can duplicate every good thing and bad thing for 94 years from 1914-2008 AD. Because in 537 BC and altar was set up and in 1914 AD the watchtower got its first global license by goung to Britain in May and getting thelicenes on June 1 before war broke out in heaven in Aug. And yes Revelation says war broke out in heaven after the birth of the baby, and then that war went down to earth. So if war exited on earth in Aug 1914, then it existed in heaven before Aug, and that means the baby was born before Aug. ( IBSA born June 1 of 1914, Russell declares its power though on Oct 1) This is also 6000 years in Noah's calendar. Though WT false chronology came from Adventists and it said Adam Eve 4128 / 4126 BC making 6000 years as 1872 / 1874 AD, the real calendar of 4025 BC to 2370 BC Julian Oct 12 (1656th year) had 4344 more years which begins year 6000 of 360 days on May 17 of 1913 and ends it on May 12 of 1914. When you see more dates from me you will even wonder if perhaps Russell filed on May 12 for this June 1 license. But then no one knows Jesus birth, so perhaps this is lost too. This analogy is from Jehovah, not from the WathcTower, the WatchTower cannot make the following things come true, nor in any of these years would they have wanted these bad things to happen to the WatchTower.
537 BC - 1914 AD city begins
523 BC - 1928 AD temple (144,000) stops building; think about it, Jehovah has to induce a reason to make 144,000 leave if he wants this parallel to take place
520 BC-1931 AD Darisu says let the temple be built because God's name is on that Temple, and he warns any king who ever touches that temple (implying some day a king will want to... Caesar or NOW)
516-515 BC 1935-1936 AD Ezra says temple is finished, Passover counts the finished stones
485-484 BC 1966-1967 AD Vashti knows nothing aboout the 6000 years for Jesus, she does as she wishes claiming she is Jesus; Esther is chosen to replace her, she knows 1914 was final though not knowing it was a real 6000 from the Flood 2370 BC. She does know 1975 will be 6000, just as Esther would eventually know her attack would come in 475 BC. True, she expects this attack in 1975 to be the world there to kill the WatchTower and see Jesus to the rescue. This of course appears to be failed prophecy. And yet, then why does that year duplicate in 9 years from Xerxes' 3rd year to 12th year.
480 BC 1971 AD Esther is declared wife of Xerxes. Why of all years does the WT declare the 144,000 to be Esther here in 1971 March 15 WT.... are they planning this whole thing to Nehemiah 1996 - 2008 AD.
475 BC 1976 AD the month Adar for year 475 BC actually moves into 474 BC. But the issue remains the same. With 1975 or 1976 AD as 6000 years, the same attacking gripe has formed its body as one whole as it did in previous failures of all religions and any religions. And yet it fulfills the 7 weeks which keeps fulfilling any year you find written in Persia now happenig to the WT, the good or the bad. The chirst is here to save US, not save itself.
468 BC 1983 AD 7th year of Artaxerxes Jehovah shows me all these dates as he had Ezra likewise dig into... the reason, because i died in 1982, they killed me. The WT wrote them and said do this victim justice and instead the whole body of elders raped me in a back room, 12 of them, 14, 20 of them, it was packed. And the public apology i got was I AM SORRY I EVER DID ANYTHING FOR YOU. This was so he could give the Sunday talk the next day. Reminded me of getting the trial of Jesus done so they could Sabbath. And they used my mother, called her by phone at a restaurant to drag me back to the Hall, because i had walked out when his private apology consisted of WE all know youre out to get us, one by one, youre against the elders, Jehovah's anointed picked us. WE all know you, what your like. And so I had left and said come on mom let's go, this is done finished... but the only future dates seen are the wall 455 BC as 1996 AD and Nehemiah ruling until 443 BC or 2008 AD. It was until this year that Jehovah showed me the drop in the 1928 year that all you people publish online as failure. It is these groups that showed me 1928 was part of it all. And i have no doubt many other years are there that i have not seen, and if you look you will see Jehovah has made it happen to the WT because it is YOU Jehovah wants to save with THEM. I am here to divide you with these words. Call me Enmity.
460 BC 1991 AD I have no idea why Ezra is regarded as finished in the 15th year of Artaxaerxes. But I saw this on the back of a 1991 WT when I felt Satan had won. I gave up, i put my head on the chopper. For 9 years i was without job. Lost my best friend, pried away by elders. First they badgered her, saying it was adulterous to talk to men, until she quit going to meetings. Then she divorced her husband. And then she shacked up, at the aproval of her baptized daughters as better than disobeying elders to talk to me.
455 BC 1996 AD the wall goes up, soemthing about division between the city from the world. only after the wall goes up can the city be filled so i presumed it was Armageddon, and i refused to think in 1983 that i would wait until 2008 to see Armageddon. I have to admit that i swore i would give no further service until that year. Because it was that year the elders had lied and said i got it from Christendom's 4004 BC Adam, 588 BC Jerusalem, and 1996 AD as 6000. As you can see nothing here changes 4025 BC nor 2370 BC nor 607 BC nor 1914 AD or 1975 AD. But the odd thing is that the wall does pass thru and between the temple and the WatchTower dividing it, putting the WatchTower out into the world, outside the city, disposable once the temple becomes saved. I know not the details, but i have no doubt that my internet posts of 1996 resulted in influencing the disolving of the IBSA license, and the separating of the GB and legal reps as Jesus also gave the monetary works to Judas in prep to betray him.
443 BC 2008 AD the spirit of Jehovah in the world out-sways the spirit of Satan to say the books after 443 BC are inspired prophecy. Macabees is either regarded as just history, or as possible first fulfilment making the piresthood the arrived Christ. This alone indicates that everything in scripture up to 443 BC is now ready to use those scriptures to understand who the coming christ is. So today we merely have the argument that Artaxerxes is not 443 BC but 433 BC. Doesnt hold water. An anti-JW in Norway/Sweden publishes the 11 lunar dates found at another site. And Jehovah showed me 6 months ago how they can be shifted to 9 years earlier (9x 365 minus 5 = 3280 days)
So you have it. Armgeddon will be here before Passover. What is happening now in politics is not another cry wolf. And i predict most will think it means we have 7 years to go. But thats not in there is it. There is nothing beyond 94 years in building this New City. Mock me, you get no answer, i make no war. Ask me and i'll answer anything, even questions the WT never had answers to. But i save no one, it is in the hands of the WT to save, or everyone dies, Jehovah could fail the week of Jesus death, and again Jehovah can fail... Satan is doing so now. Making it fail like he did back then in 33 AD.
BTW using chornology and probabilities i predicted two dates of Saddam and Osama accurately, but of course you look at what i too said could possibly many other dates and so i'm a false prophet like John Baptizer was. If John was a true prophet the way you define the words of Moses about one, then how does Jonah stay prophet when Nineveh didnt get destroyed, and why then did John send a letter saying Jesus i am about to die so tell me are you the Christ. You people try to take the learning factor out of reality.