2008 Young People Ask Vol 2 (YPA V2) PDF, searchable, bookmarked

by TJ - iAmCleared2Land 35 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles
    Boy and girl, girl and boy. They're everywhere you look-in school, on the street, at the mall. Each time you see them, you feel a powerful urge to be part of that unit called a couple.

    They speak of that so-called "urge" as if it were something wrong!

    Isn't thatt just part of human nature? After all, didn't the first man Adam also have that "urge" after observing the coupling in the animals he was naming? Didn't God himself say it was bad for Adam to continue alone?

  • veradico

    I really enjoyed this passage in the chapter on homosexuality:

    "It comes as no surprise, then, that the Bible condemns homosexual acts. -Romans 1:26,27. Some would say that God's Word is out-of-date. But why, do you think, are they so quick to make that claim? Could it be because the Bible's view conflicts with their own? Many reject God's Word simply because it teaches something different from what they want to believe. That view is biased, though, and we should rise above such closed-minded thinking!"

    "That view is biased, though, and we should rise above such closed-minded thinking!" I love it. I also enjoyed the advice under the heading "Shun pornography and gay propaganda." Gay propaganda seems to mean "certain TV shows and movies, and perhaps even fashion or bodybuilding magazines that feature lightly clad models."

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    bttt for those that didn't see the d/l link yesterday

  • VM44

    Does most of this book have to do with sex?

  • dinah

    I saw the table of contents on here somewhere. Yes it seems like a high percentage of it was about sex, and bad associations.

    That comment about joining sports in school has really made me sick. Heaven forbid you have any kind of support or friendships outside the org.

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    Shift-Ctrl-F to do a full book search.

    "sex" (in all or in part) = 194 hits

    "sex" (whole word only) = 94 instances

    "homo" = 27 instances

    "dating" = 75 instances

    "virgin" = 23 instances

    "secret" = 40 instances (worried about double lives)

    "prayer" = 19 instances

    "Jesus" = 22 instances

    "Jehovah" = 174 instances

    So sex beats Jehovah in mention in the YPA V2....

  • yknot
  • RollerDave

    Thank you very much!

    Now I can finally get the help I need to combat my 'super secret sin!'

    Uh, some of those models look kinda hot....

    Uh, I have to go do something.....


  • RollerDave

    Just kidding, of course,

    But I gotta say, even though it is chock full of bad advice, it really does look like they tried.

    A lot of the illustrations seemed like they were attempts at 'hipness' or even humor!

    In any case, as long as you don't actually READ any of it, it comes off as a lot less 'stuffy' looking than some of the previous litter a trash.

    Still a bogus pile of nonsense tho.


  • tfjw
    Thank you for all the hard work you put in to getting this book scanned, and thanks for the tip about Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional. I think I just found a new best friend for my poor old scanner

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