I think this is just the tip of the iceberg in the Jehovah's Witness organization. I truly believe many more child abusers will be exposed as time goes on here. People are standing up for what's right and aren't going to take it anymore and remain silent. The more bastards like Simental get exposed ; the more convictions of this crime we will see. True it will take courage to expose it, but with a good support group these girls that had the courage to stand up against him will heal in time. But it will require a lifetime committment from her parents and friends to help these girls heal.
Mr. Flipper: I hope you are right about this case just being the tip of the iceberg for the WTB&TS and that people are standing up for what's right. Please note that the mother of the girls who were molested only reported it to the elders and not the police. The only reason the authorities became involved is because the mother told a teacher to keep that guy away from her kids. The teacher was suspicious and reported it to the police. In the meantime, the elders knew all about it and failed to report it to the authorities and even tried to fight testifying after the fact. It is also important to note that the elders were given immunity for their crimes in exchange for their testimony against the pedophile. And I wonder if the mother was df'd on the grounds of slander for opening her mouth to the teacher. If so, how much support do you think she'll be able to give those poor little girls?
How many more court cases do these evil bastards have to lose before they change their wicked ways? They settled a multi-million dollar civil suit last year, and finally the criminal courts are catching up and not allowing the cover ups that have been going on for years (all the way back to 1964 according to Barbara Anderson's legal documents). If/when it is brought to their attention, the rank and file jw, including my mother will simply believe it's not true.
IMHO, a battle has been won, but the war continues.