Witnesses pride themselves as being "true Christians". I think they are frauds!
How would you show that, in reality, JWs are far removed from real Christianity?
by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends
Witnesses pride themselves as being "true Christians". I think they are frauds!
How would you show that, in reality, JWs are far removed from real Christianity?
Depends on what you call "True Christians". They do indeed behave like zealot fundamentalists.
They behave nothing whatsoever resembling Christ (but then, Christ himself was not a Christian, he was an anarchist Jew.)
How can a true Christian believe it's ok to treat your flesh and blood as if they don't exist simply because a person no longer believes in a religion?
A true Christian would not ignore how Christ viewed the Pharisees, yet the Governing Body makes the Pharisees look like amateurs. The Watchtower has more rules than the IRS!
The true Christians of biblical times never sold the word and made profits from doing so
They cornered the market on religious commercialism
Would Jesus be disgusted at this ? I highly think so
A corrupt and devious publishing house as god's own organization I don't think so.
Many examples of Thecoratic Warfare Strategy
They don't give to the poor.
The tolerance of and hiding of child abuse within their organization
They don't "partake" at their pathetic memorial service. Virtually all Christian denominations take communion.
I mostly don't bother. All religion sucks. It's all harmful. Any good they do is outweighed by the evil and the harm they cause.