New god/s?

by whitman 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • whitman

    I'm curious as to how far everyone has explored their new found freedom having left the borg.

    Has anyone been interested in, or interested in becoming, or just vaguely interested in the following - the Raelians (they do have good geometry), any UFO cult, Rastafarianism, Amish, Trekkies, the John Frum Movement, the Discordians, Buddhists, Hindu, Scientologist or any other that isn't listed here?

  • penny2

    I'm just trying to be "normal" - whatever that is. I'm definitely not interested in joining another religious group.

  • Hortensia

    The John Frum movement is interesting - that's the cargo cult, isn't it? I have read a bit about it. I looked into different religions, finally decided that the clothing is different, the religions all the same.

  • Gopher

    The Flying Spaghetti Monster has definitely turned me into a pastafarian.

  • whitman

    Ha ha - pastafarian...that's good.

    Hortensia - yes the John Frum movement is the south pacific cult to an unknown world war II soldier. It's pretty interesting stuff.

  • whitman

    Ohh - I forgot to include the church of Maradona which apparently has over 80,000 members. Any members of the church of Maradona here? He did have the whole 'hand of god' goal thing going on. That's definitely church worthy.

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    Having found my way out of one cage I'm not about to walk into another, although I may consider Pastafarianism at some point.

    I have just ordered a few books which are relevant, at least most of which were recommended on this forum:

    The Path to Love: Spiritual Lessons for Creating the Love You Need
    Deepak Chopra

    There Is Nothing Wrong with You: Going Beyond Self-Hate, A Compassionate Process for Learning to Accept Yourself Exactly as You Are
    Cheri Huber

    Take Back Your Life: Recovering from Cults and Abusive Relationships
    Janja Lalich

    Wherever You Go, There You Are
    Jon Kabat-Zinn

  • Anti-Christ

    I was interested in Satanism for a wile, I still find it interesting but then again it's not really a religion because they don't even believe in Satan or god, it's more of a way to "get back" at Christianity. Now I am more interested in meditation, yoga, martial arts and opening the chakras. These of course are not religions but they do have a "spiritual" side.

  • whitman

    Hmmmm...Satanism. Completely overlooked that one. Are you able to give a brief explanation of Satanism and how one practices?

  • wings

    My new god is freedom from labels.....not interested in conformity on any level. I think that makes for now. Thanks for the reminder. wings

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