You've lost that loving feeling and it's gone gone gone.....woa woa woa. This song brought to you by the Righteous Brothers/Mother. (no pun intended)
Sorry, I couldn't resist. My husband and I just watched the 2008 drama. It's main theme was to "Never lose the love that you had at first"---or something to that effect. This is the first DC that we have not gone to and we are being shunned big time. My hubby said "Aren't we a little to old for this game?" He is right. Life is too short.
Anyway, I am sure comments have been made about the drama and I apologize if this topic has been discussed but that drama was a doozy. I went from anger to just plain sadness at the end. The drama hit all the emotions on the wheel. They really stressed that having money and loving god could never be achieved together. It was one or the other. Scolios, the elder turned bad, actually was kind of cool. He seemed like most of the elders I know. He provided jobs for the brothers and did good deeds---the horror. But alas, he was not regular at the meetings and service. The worst thing they could nail him on was providing silver for some idol or hiring someone to make the idol.
Then there was Helen and Julia. Helen was the bad one because she liked plays and wanted to go to Laodecia for good job. My husband laughed at this because many in our family go to plays and love them!!! Julia was Helen's friend and quite frankly was a snob. She was happy to make meals while her parents were in the ministry. Hmmmm.....Why wasn't she in service? This part of the drama was stretching the scriptures to shreds. Helen thinks she is going to a play with a friend but ends up at the forum and sees Petro (chrisitian) killled.
There was more in this drama---it was oh so very subtle. It made this kitty want to use the litter box. (That was bad)
Thanks for letting me vent or should I say HISSS. I"ll stop now!!!