The year the end finally came: the YEAR OF THE BIG LIE

by Terry 65 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Hope4Others

    I remember 1975 all so well, teenager thinking i would never live to see my 18th birthday, get married or ever have kids.

    My dad being "Worldly" always made me feel inferior to many and that I was never good enough nor could I meet up for God to ever accept me.

    Thats when I left.....and of course suckered back in years later....

    Well water under the bridge now.....


  • flyphisher
    1975 came and went and NOTHING happend. I mean abso-fucking-lutely NOTHING happened. At all. No way. Zip. Nada.

    Sorry, this is not quite right.

    1975 was a turning point in the world history. In 1975 began an epoch of shortage of crude oil (peak oil 2010?) and inexorably rising state indebtedness. There is no way out, as you can see. This situation leads into a new war for oil and other raw materials. Read the works of important economy scientists, please.


  • MidwichCuckoo

    Great stuff Terry ... I remember 1975 (as a young teen), the hype, the 'calculating Adam' thing...and when 1976 arrived times became critical - the World was 'living on borrowed time'...and now, after mentioning 1975 to those same hyped-up JWs, they deny it ever happened.

  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    1975 was a turning point in the world history. In 1975 began an epoch of shortage of crude oil (peak oil 2010?) and inexorably rising state indebtedness. There is no way out, as you can see. This situation leads into a new war for oil and other raw materials. Read the works of important economy scientists, please.

    I would have to go with the school of thought that "absolutely #%^*ing nothing"happened in 1975.
    The first Oil Crisis actually hit in late 1973 - early 1974, in the wake of the 1973 Middle East war
    (Called at the time the "Yom Kippur War")

    By 1975, there was actually a glut of oil around.
    This had come about for a number of reasons:
    - Amongst them being that oil importing countries had learned to make do with less oil,and new oil fields (such as the North Sea) came into production.

    By the way, Terry - an excellent post!


  • Gill

    Oh Yes, Terry! THAT was the year.

    I remember being about 11 yrs old and my mum buying me a nice red dress with blue and white strawberry print and some nice white sandals. We toured Europe and visited our relatives for the 'last' time before Armageddon came, and there was no preparation for my going to school in Seprember, after all, Armageddon was due in September, wasn't it!

    So I went back to school in clothes that didn't fit properly, with shoes that pinched my toes so badly that my dad had to nip out and get me a 'sturdy pair of boys shoes that would see my through Armageddon!' 'Cos, it was coming NOW, wasn't it!?

    I remember my parents and Aunt and Uncle discussing where we were to run to when 'they come for us'! 'What mountains are there in Leicester to flee to?' my desperate Aunty asked!

    Then I remember the next year when they were discussing those 'people who ran ahead of the organization predicting that Armageddon would come in 1975 when the Society said nothing of the sort!'

    And that was when I realised that I was trapped in an unending nightmare. By 12 I was desperately depressed and not able to recover for nearly three more decades.

    The nightmare lasted another 28 years. I've or two of my relatives also......but the rest are still trapped on the speeding up carousel that is sure to crash eventually.....sadly with them still on it!

  • tartarus

    It still escapes me how the scripture where it says that no one, not even Jesus himself knows the exact day and hour wasnt considered. I guess they were just in a hurry to see all those people die in a fiery hell, they missed that simple point. Now after so many failed predictions it's no wonder that they used that exact scripture to justify their failed attempt what not even the Son of Man knows. Never an apology, notice. This reminds me of living under communism in Soviet Union. Communist paradise is just around the corner we were told. How did my family fall into the same trap again? Oh wait, I know, they said they were God's only channel and Jah can't lie. Now it makes sense ! Man-made crap, just like communist utopia !

  • LockedChaos

    Well Done Terry!!!

    That brought back some vivid recollections.
    I was 20 years old in 1975.
    I remember trudging my way through high school
    thinking "This is all useless and will come to
    an end before I have a chance at any kind of life."

    As a teen it created in me not a sense of joy but
    one of total despair. I knew that I didn't
    "Measure Up" so it would be an end to me along with
    just about everyone else. As a born-in you just knew that
    you could never do enough because that was what you were
    always told by people in whom you put your trust.

    All of my teen years, instead of being filled with hope
    and wonderment were instead filled with thoughts of death
    and destruction. We all knew this was going to happen.
    After all it was the mouthpieces of god that were telling
    us these things.

    As I look back now on that time in my life it is filled
    with regret and quite a bit of anger at what was done
    to all of us that were in our early teens. Bastards!!

    At this time of my life looking back does confirm for me
    what I have known for a very long time now.
    When the "Evil Slave" of spoken of I know of whom it is in
    fact really referring to. May they rot!

  • TooBad TooSad
    TooBad TooSad

    Hi Terry,

    What a great post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. At our circuit assemblies we actually had a large poster with the

    amount of months remaining until October of 1975. The mantra was "stay alive until 75."

    They were exciting times indeed. Our congregation was on fire with growth. Standing room

    only in the back. How sad as I look back that I took the bait. And you are right that no one

    talks about 75 now.

    TooBad TooSad

  • Velvetann

    Terry I really enjoyed what you wrote. It lead me to read about your "story" in freeminds. You are an inspiration and you express yourself beautifully. I am so sorry you had to spend your time in prison for nothing. What a horrible religion it really is to do these things to young people.

    What you said is so true:

    What I fault the New World Society for mostly is how they steal people's futures from them.

    I was alive and a teenager through those times, It affected my deeply. The urgency that Armageddon was around the corner. I was always in fear of dying at Armageddon but I hated being in the religion. So much so that I rebelled and got myself disfellowshipped. My parents went on that Europeon Assembly tour in 1968. They gave up everything and became Special Pioneers. The congregation chipped in and paid for their trip to Europe to attend the Assemblies that year. my Mom and Dad wrote me letters keeping me up to date on how I was going to die if I didn't come back into the Truth before 1975. The Urgency came through and I was SCARED. I was an emotional mess. 1975 came and No Armageddon. My Dad left the truth because he did some thinking on his own, my Mom was still devout and said it was a misunderstanding and that the Society hadn't said that, it was some over enthusiast brothers who had started that rumour. She convinced me and I went back into the nightmare of believing the "truth". Got reinstated. I wasted another 7 years of my life serving that religion. Messed up my poor husband and kids for that time period. Then I did some thinking and left.

    Thanks so much for your contribution of The year of the Big Lie.


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Yes I remember that time as well, I also remember the 3 young teens that committed suicide in my small town of 40,000 during @ 1975

    it was said they were depressed over all the destruction of the appending Armageddon.

    Really sad when you think about it.

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