I've racked well over a hundred flights so far in my life. Been on a number of flights where the pilot has told the stewards and passengers to strap themselves in tight. Been through bad weather to the point where you could hear the luggage in the hold bouncing off the floor. These kind of flights are very few and pilots will do their best to avoid tubulance. Most flights you can hardly tell that you are off the ground. Planes will take more abuse than most of the people who ride in them. As mentioned, flying really is quite safe.
My Huge Phobia of flying!! Damn the Wright Brothers!!
by Witness 007 17 Replies latest jw experiences
I used to fly and now I wont set foot near any airprort.
wha happened?
I've flown alot because of my profession. I have alot of scary stories to tell. But flying is not a phobia to me. My phobia is deep water. I can't even swim in a pool that is deeper than 5 feet. My first trip over deep water was a ride to Catalina. I did ok. I wasn't sure but I tried.
Ironically my wife works for Crystal Cruises. We've done a few cruises and I'm ok. just don't put me in the pool -
You are not alone. I will not under no circumstance will I aboard a plane ! UNLESS ! They allow me to carry a gun.!
wha happened?
I once flew back from Dallas after they changed an engine. I don't think it worked because the plane took the entire runway to fly and yet it had a hard time gaining altitude. Even the air attendants were drinking with me
You may think the safety demo is BS but it's not. Here are a couple of tips. A loose seatbelt will hurt you more than help you. If you have to take a brace position before a crash it is to keep your upper body as protected as it can against the first impact which will be the biggest and if you can maintain it the following 2 (on the average) impacts. It also prevents "flailing" your arms and heads bouncing about encountering objects and creating head and neck injuries. There HAVE been water landings where people have survived. The biggest trick is to survive impact...get out...don't drown.
The biggest safety improvements are blocked due to $$$$$$$ . The FAA is filled with lobbyists (the currant head of the FAA appointed by Bush has never had ANY airline experience but did donate heavily to the Bush campaigns). The so called passenger rights organization called ATA is nothing but a group of lobbyists who represent the airlines to prevent safety laws that will cost the airlines money. Your flight attendants are trained to get the entire aircraft evacuated with a full load in under 90 seconds with half the exits blocked.
One single thing to improve survivability is to have the seats facing rear. All impact would be distributed thru the seat instead of your body against the seatbelt and your arms against the seat in front of you. But then people don't want that. People will only get safety when they demand it but they have to know what to demand.
I know that outsourcing heavy checks, reducing pilot in command authority to make on time departures..or over riding their decisions of what a no-go item is by people in operations (who do not have their ass 37thousand feet in the air) is a receipe for disaster.
As long as people will sacrifice safety for cheap fares and let airlines blame money problems on unions or employee pay and benefits people will get what they pay for.
We do not have a terrorist/safety problem in the USA. We have a CEO problem dipped in corporate greed and corporate carpet baggers. That should make you afraid....very afraid.
Not one pilot I fly with and certainly not myself will lie to passengers about what is happening to our flight. Other airlines may have a different policy. We are all in the same flying boat together.
If you truely think all the flight attendants and pilots are BS and have no trust in them then maybe you really shouldn't fly. They are the ONLY ones being honest with you and are putting their own lives on the line to save your ass.
I recently went on a plane ride. I HATE flying! The lovely man next to me let me squeeze his hand thru all the bumpy parts.
You just need a dose of Valium and a big strong hand to hold. There solved.
I have to admit i love flying . On a recent trip to New York we flew down the Eastern US seaboard and saw the snowfields amd icebergs, that was stunning from 7 miles up.
I also went a small commuter plane in very heavy weather., i expressed my concrens to a couple of pilots who were stiing behind me . They said when we look worried you can be. The flight was bumpy and they were completely unpeturbed, so was i.
Having a pretty lady next to you that you know, or if you can or friend, these can ease things too.
If you do not have a friend speak to a fellow passenger i have met some really interesting people on planes.
I hope you get to enjoy flying
Regards David