The drink I have most frequently is vodka and diet ginger ale on the rocks, maybe with a squeeze of lemon or lime.
The drinks I like the best are a good microbrew, red wine or a Bushmills on the rocks.
Lori makes a mean dirty vodka martini, with three small onions on a toothpick, but two of them will just knock me on my ass.
What's Your Favorite Alcohol To Drink?
by minimus 56 Replies latest jw friends
Qualify this - do you mean pre or post Masturbations?
Or, did I "mix" up this thread with another?
Can I get back to my nap now???
Sweet dreams honey!
Ginger ale is pretty popular in some drinks that might have Coke instead.
New light for you
oh man... this weekend was a DOOZY......
LOTS of Captin and pineapple juice and Canada dry..... yummy yummy.... but i was SO hungover ALL DAY sunday... i perked up around 7PM, then felt sick around 11, went to bed... woke up this morning ok, worked out.. then got SUDDENLY... SICK again... now i still feel sick.
Can i still be sick from Saturday NIGHT?? (we were up till 4)
Now that you've woke me up, OH SHOOT!!! I missed Dr Phil!!!
Oh and a good red wine
Isopropyl. srry for th typoinnhg I cannt see so goood.
Anything with vodka in it.
MJ, get to the ER stat!