I'm impressed. Great presentation and without all the 'apostate' vitriol...
by Awakened at Gilead 35 Replies latest watchtower bible
I'm impressed. Great presentation and without all the 'apostate' vitriol...
Oh, V edited out the foaming at the mouth and the vitriol....dangit!
Part 2 is coming out.... you can see it here... but I'll start a new thread too...
Great interview Lance
wish I could come out
I now know why they don't want witlesses reading older publications. They might get people to think that something is wrong with the Washtowel Slaveholdery--like celebrating Christmas for several years after the organization was freed (?) from Babylonish practices.
A big HUG and thank you for sharing your experience at WTS Hqrs!
I particularly appreciated finding out about the "Writing Committee." Whenever I directed letters to the WTS I did one to the GB and one to the "Writing Committee" because they, indeed, were the ones doing the critical research and providing the actual information and had to be the most knowledgeable.
I was wondering what your WTS status is now. After going to Gilead and everything, etc. Are you and your wife still active or did the WTS kick you out?
ALSO, you are brilliant to realize the "7 times" and the "end of the gentile times" are not the same event Biblically. Per my interpretation the "end of the gentile times" ends in 1947 when the Jews actually regain their country and the promised land. But that is connected to the 1290 days. The 1335 days is connected to the second coming and thus the 1335 days and the 7 times can be fulfilled at the same time, etc.
As far as 1919 goes, because the WTS are now in spiritual darkness nor have the correct timeline that's all they can do to try and go on record with all these prophecies. It's sad really.
Thanks again for sharing. But since you know the Bible, I was wondering if you'd comment on my recent challenge to other ex-witnesses about the child being born in Revelation? The WTS says this is the KINGDOM, but I say no. This is a reference to the messiah! If you care to comment, since I know you know the Bible, I'd appreciate it!
Thanks, and best regards,
awesome lance!
V! Good on you!
I liked the way it was presented, I liked the way the thoughts developed, and the logic flowed.
I am just smiling a big ol' rollersmile!