Confronting distortions with truth: my battle with JW apologist websites
by coffee_black 28 Replies latest jw friends
I am not sure what these people have written about your father, but if it is anything untruthful as well I might imagine, good for you for forcing them to behave ethically.
In the legitmate story about my father that is posted in numerous places on the internet, I had supplied very few details. JW apologists decided to make up their own. For example, since I hadn't specifically stated that my Dad's doctor broached the subject of a transplant, they concluded that it was an idea my Dad came just up with on his own. They implied that it wouldn't have worked anyway because the procedure was experimental back then, which isn't true. They said he had survived many years on dialysis and lived until he was 68...and the tone of the way it was written suggested to me (and I could be overreacting...I am emotionally involved) their attitude was...what more could he expect, he lived a long life. I don't think 68 is old... I'm headed in that direction myself sooner than I'd like to admit... They also said that since there was no disfellowshipping threatened for having a transplant, the society really didn't influence the decision. That wasn't relevant in Dad's case, because the only motivation on my Dad's part was to please Jehovah, and my parents believed and trusted the society when they said it was cannibalism and against God's law.
In regards to myself, they implied that my account was suspect and probably shouldn't be believed because, after all, I am an opposer...and probably supplied the story because I was "belligerent" (their word)
I'm not the only individual who was mentioned in the Spanish article found here under transplants. They have at least removed my name and Dad's name, and also reworded the it at least weakens their statements.
The website that removed the article (in english) pdf files and link as well as printing an apology is
Thanks for all the comments everyone.
Hey, CB! How are you?!
I want to read this thread, but it formats as kind of a mess on my computer. I'll figure it out. Our very best to you!
S4 & Lori
I'm glad you son is so brilliant... more glad all of them are free... Good luck to you Coffee.
IT Support
Thanks for posting your very moving story.
You dad reminds me of a number of old-time JWs I knew, now all sadly dead. They had a quiet but firm dignity they went way beyond following man-made rules.
What a shame your dad didn't question the Society's transplant policy the way he questioned that circuit servant about their education policy ...
Incidentally, I think the problem with the width of your posting is caused by the line of asterisks near the top of your first post of this thread.
Thanks ITsupport,
You are probably right... the asterisks may be the problem. I tried to remove it... but keep getting an error message. It' s probably too late to change it...
Granted, this opinion was taken from the article "Medical cannibalism" appearing in the Encyclopœdia of Religion and Ethics, edited by James Hastings (Volume 3, page 199), which it referred to and quoted from in its next paragraph. While the response included this comparison in an attempt to be balanced and informative, it also had the potential to offend and distract from the deciding power of the conscience also presented in the same Questions From Readers. Therefore the comparison to cannibalism proved to be unfortunate.
What I have done is copy a statement from that infamous website from the link provided in English. Please notice carefully the WTBS was quoting from worldly sources to strengthen its distorted point of view regarding transplant. This is certainly hypocritical to say the least. How comes they use worldly literatures which they so much distrust? Unfortunately, there are thousands of individuals who have been easily misread or carried away and who are not able to figure out the hard stuff. Iam glad Debbie was not one of them.
Scott77, thanks for bringing this back to the top, after a 9 month lapse. Somehow I missed this, although I knew of the situation. I'll be reading it, as soon as I find my magnifying glass.
What you need to realize is, the Watchtower quotes "worldy literature" ALL THE TIME.
In fact, I call the dictionary their second bible.
Plus, they always quote worldly scholars, too. Like you said, it's highly hypocritical, but the dubs don't even notice.
Well I started reading this, and found out I DID read it before, but it was well worth the second read. It just reinforces how I feel towards the Watchtower Society. Murderers !