Just a question I thought I'd put out there. Interested in your comments. I know I certainly have. My wife and I are going to the airport this afternoon to pick up Mincan, later on Thursday to pick up JK , for the Tahoe apostafest . It really shows you what the internet can do in connecting you with people all across the country , who you make good connections with in becoming friends.
As a JW , it seems all my friendships were conditional. It was all on the condition that I commented at meetings, was regular in field service , was trying to reach out for position of elder in the congregation ( which I didn't do , as I didn't want to ) , or just expected to be regular at meetings. That's what qualified one to be classified as a " friend " ! Even when I did most of those things, it seemed my " friendships " lasted as far as the front door of the kingdom hall, then everybody went back to their homes, families and life- then you would see them again in a few more days - you got it - at the kingdom hall. It was so plastic to me and fake. I had a 3 really good guy "witness " guy friends over the years - but they died either of car wrecks, cancer, or other illnesses.
So to me in just a year and 4 months being on JWD has been a real surprise gift in the friends I've been able to meet , and talk to on the phone, and E-mail. Those of you I have corresponded with have been such a great addition and encouragement to my life - and I want you to know that !! You have given me much emotional, and mental support in being a friend and I want to thank you each and all - you know who you are!
I have truly attained " real " friends that have unconditional love and caring in their hearts without regards to background or social status. I feel the same towards you as well. So thank you for your friendship and I look forward to meeting more of you on JWD as well ! Especially this weekend !
So what about you folks ? What experiences did you have in trying to keep friends as a witness ? Have you made some tight friendships here on the JWD board ? I look forward to hearing from you ! Peace out to all of you ! Mr. Flipper
Have you Made Closer Friends on JWD than you had as a Witness ?
by flipper 55 Replies latest jw friends
Awakened at Gilead
I went through about 4 years of being a WT-Untouchable... since I had lost my privileges after leaving my missionary ASSignment... the "friends" looked at me with suspicion, and I couldn't forge any real friendships...
Have you Made Closer Friends on JWD than you had as a Witness ?
Actually, then the answer is no... all my friends live all over now... they're not closer... they live in Canada, the UK, Cali, etc...
JWD is awesome! I wouldn't know how to step outside into real life without the
supportfriends I've gotten here (hope HS isn't reading this).Lance
My closest friend is still a JW. But he lives a thousand miles or so from me.
I do believe I will lose him if I keep being honest.The rest- HA HA. Yeah, right- friends.
What's great here, where I have made true friends, is that I don't care if they are
believers in the flying spaghetti monster or any other belief. I don't conditionally
accept them, and I assume the same of their acceptance of me.I am very close to more than a handful of posters here.
HOPE 4 OTHERS- You and Caliber are great quality people. My wife and I have really enjoyed getting to know you folks ! I agree with you , the friends here are the best ever !
AWAKENED at GILEAD- It is true what you say about how as witnesses we get treated like poison if we lose our privileges. They must think something will rub off from us- onto them, it's weird. But I understand what you mean about " close" , yes we definitely are stretched out across Canada, United States, Australia, and Great Britain, even Europe , and Africa here on the board. It's what makes it so cool- we get lots of different perspectives on how the world revolves here ! I've enjoyed talking with you my friend, and consider you a good friend as well! Look forward to knowing you better ! I'm glad you have received support in exiting the cult. As you stated- I'm sure it's made it much easier for you, than it would have been ! Peace.
OTWO- I have enjoyed getting to know you as well friend. You have so many great perspectives on things in life- where do I begin ? You've given me support and advice which I appreciate as well. You know my care for you is unconditional as well. I too don't care if you were a " flying spaghetti monster" or a long lost relative of Bigfoot LOL! I'd still like ya ! But what you and A & G say is true ; I wish some of us lived closer to each other as it would be fun to get together more often ! Take care, look forward to talking again soon ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper -
Thought I would bump this thread up before I go to bed, as I will be working all day tomorrow and tomorrow night as well. So- have you made some close friends on the site here ? Peace out, Mr, Flipper
I'm sure more people than just us who have posted here have made friends on this site ?? Anyway, look forward to hearing about how it compares to when you had witness friends ! Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Have you made some tight friendships here on the JWD board ?
don't think I'd call them tight
Have you made some tight friendships here on the JWD board ?
don't think I'd call them tight
don't talk about the scottish like that QL, they're still people.
QUIETLY LEAVING- No " tight " friendships ?
FREE 2 THINK- Scottish aren't tight ? This sounds like an inside joke between you and Quietly ! Funny, clue me in?? Peace out, Mr. Flipper