Letting the JWs Hold You Back

by FreudianSlip 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • FreudianSlip

    I have seen several people make comments that insinuated that their being a JW is the reason for all that is wrong in their lives. I find this simply unacceptable. Even if you could reasonably blame your religious experience on the past.. what is stopping you from growing as a person NOW?

    I have the typical JW story, too. I wasn't special. I was raised as JW from birth, I had an elder father, regular pioneer mother and my older brother is a ministerial servant. I auxillary pioneered every summer. But while as JW, I traveled the country and the world and I started college when I was 21. I was never discouraged from these things (although I should have been because college REALLY DID "stumble" me).

    Even after I got df'd at age 22 and suffered through several years of depression, I have since pulled myself up by the bootstraps and refuse to let that cult have any more negative influence on my life. I am currently working on my Master's in Public Administration and it's my plan to make a difference. I want to someday run (or start) a Non-Profit organization or possibly run for office.

    I don't care if you are 60. You can make a difference in your own life and in others' lives as well. Don't wallow in your own self pity.. the world needs you to be healthy and happy.

    Also, vote in November! Go Obama!

  • dinah

    I copied this from a message from a friend. He sent it to me after I got f'd up and told him what was in my heart. Hope it helps someone. First let me say, this guy has been my friend since he was 16 years old (he's 27 now). He has watched me self-destruct, rise up, only to self destruct again.

    It has religious overtones, but it can also apply to someone who can't let go of being mislead and wasting their life.

    Here it is:

    It was good seeing you guys again the other night too. I realize there's a lot of anger and hurt, but since you've always been honest with me, let me be honest with you. As long as you hold bitterness and anger in your heart towards anybody or any group or any situation, you will never find any happiness or peace in life.

    Remember Christ said if you can't forgive someone, he won't forgive you. I've never had to face anything like what you've been through so I really can't relate, but the same biblical principles still apply. If I held bitterness against people for misguiding me for 25 years, I'd be miserable now myself. Instead, I moved past it and I've embraced what I've found to be true and I'm trying to share it with those who mislead me in the first place.

    There are no contradictions in the Bible regardless of what somebody might say. The Bible says "His word is forever settled in the heavens", it says "Heaven and Earth shall pass away but my words shall never pass away." He said He is the same "yesterday, today, and forever, I change not." No man can ever change what the Bible teaches. They might twist and distort it, but they can't change the message that is there behind the smoke screen they throw up. The Bible is not open to private interpretation, that's scriptural. It means what it says. We are to be "built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ being the chief cornerstone." The foundation was laid by the apostles beginning in 33 AD in the book of Acts. Jesus told them in the last chapter of Luke that "repentance and remission (forgiveness) of sins should be preached in His name beginning at Jerusalem." In Acts 2 on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit fell in the Upper Room. Peter goes and preaches to the Jewish masses in Jerusalem and tells them that they just crucified the Messiah a month and a half before. It says in Acts 2:37 that they were "pricked in their hearts" or convicted over their sin. They asked "men and brethren, what shall we do?" Peter told them in Acts 2:38 "Repent, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost." They were in Jerusalem. They preached repentance. They preached remission of sins in the name of Jesus Christ through water baptism. And they told them they would recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost. Not that they would have to beg for it, but that they would recieve it. That's what Jesus was talking to Nicodemus about in John 3. He said we must be "born of water and of the Spirit." Water baptism is where the blood is applied, (lengthy bible study topic) Spirit baptism is the Holy Ghost. Water and Spirit. That's the foundation that was laid. Man has built a new foundation that makes them feel comfortable and more culturaly relevant but it waon't last. It's like the story of the man who built his house upon the sand and the guy that built upon a rock. All the faith I have now is built upon that first salvation message, the teachings of the apostles and prophets, and most of all Jesus Christ.

    Nobody will ever change that. I fully believe I was misled (unintentionally) for the first 26 years of my life, but now I believe beyond all doubt that I have finally found the truth. My life this past year has been one blessing right after another. My life has been so much happier and meaningful this past year. I'll continue to pray for you and your family. If you ever need anything you know to call. If you ever have any questions about anything call. Take care. I love you guys.

    My friend was raised a Baptist.

  • dinah

    I didn't mean to make that highlighted in yellow with the text in red, I couldnt change it back.

  • IP_SEC

    Yep, having been a JW is just a minor episode.

  • dinah

    I know, Ippy. He tries to act like he understands. He WANTS to understand. But yeah, they see it as a minor blip.

    He could be a normal kid, even with bible HUMPING parents. They don't get it

  • jwfacts

    Wow, is that your photo.

    You make a good point. However, people of all backgrounds vary as to how well they move on, not just from religious abuse, but all sorts of abuse. Some people from a bad family environment never get over it and use their family as an excuse for bad behaviour. Others learn from it and become better people.

  • dinah

    I'm happy you figured things out, jwfacts.

    My best friend is a testament to this. She had a VERY abusive childhood. Her Mom and Dad had 7 children. She's the only one who barely functions. Abuse AND religious abuse----not a good combination. But I am so proud of her!!

  • dinah


    I was hoping you would say a little more about this.

    How can we make those people quit quoting scripture at us? I just feel like a "know it all". I'll just sit here with my doily on my head for now. I'm not joining any bandwagons.

  • WTWizard

    It is a fact that being a witless will mess up your mind. You never get the chance to make decisions and learn from them--instead, the decisions are made for you and imposed on you. You are expected to execute those decisions and will be hounded if you do not, and they call that a "free decision". You never have worldly associates. You are supposed to distance yourself from everyone else. They never get the opportunity to go to college or get a decent job. All of which is extremely difficult to catch up after.

    While it is possible to pick up the pieces after, you are still going to suffer. It is worse for those who were born in, and worse if they were born in strictly. However, everyone that joins (they are scammed and often do not have resources to cross-reference the cult) is harmed to a certain degree, if only because they waste resources and opportunities. The more they do for the Slaveholdery, the worse it is.

  • dinah
    You never get the chance to make decisions and learn from them--instead, the decisions are made for you and imposed on you.

    That is the crux. Thanks

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