I seriously, seriously doubt that Bethel will pay for six or more years of college for some Bethelite to get a law degree
It may not happen in other countries but it was done in Australia.
by nbernat 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I seriously, seriously doubt that Bethel will pay for six or more years of college for some Bethelite to get a law degree
It may not happen in other countries but it was done in Australia.
All depends on the person and the need.
I was being prepped to join the legal department as a youth. I heard that the WTS would pay for specialized training if it was needed.
I was expected to complete schooling on my own and upon bar acceptance start applying vigorously to Bethel (they may request further specialization before entrance based on need). This of course doesn't mean you will be given the privilege of serving the department right away. Some had to do the Bethel 4 (to prove themselves humble) & others have direct connections. Some get to be placed at the branches others serve as pioneers and are on-call for the society's needs (to be of 'benefit').
The plan was for me to be at a branch (the right letters from the right people), to abstain from marriage and children. If this didn't pan out, then I was to apply for gilead & be of legal benefit to the society in the country I was serving.
Yes there is a strong level of hypocrisy & yes money can buy you privilege (or absolution).
would they accept someone who went to Harvard Law even if they weren't a regular pioneer?
I do not know; however, I did know a young single woman who got her law degree here in Houston, Texas and applied for Bethel. (not a regular pioneer) Yes, she was happily accepted.
LOL which KH area was she from?????
I was from the Spring Branch KH (long ago before 1980 redistricting).
The one on Walnut Bend. Off Richmond. Can't remember the name of the congo-but it might have been-Walnut Bend.
I don't have any facts, but I know some rumors sound true.
Didn't they pay for Judah Schroeder (or something like that) to go to college?
Wouldn't they choose GB members' family or prestigious members' family to
go to law school?
No, they wouldn't just grab a smart Bethelite and say "Go to law school."
They would grab a relative of a connected Bethelite and do it. There has to be
more benefits than just the best apartment and jet trips to anywhere. I bet there
are perks like this that are fairly guarded secrets. I can imagine they don't even
tell all the other GB members when they do it.
Judah Ben Schroeder is not going to college on Bethel's dime. He and his wife - well into their 40s now, I think, - are going to college evidently on her father's dime. He's a wealthy mid-west auto dealer. Judah, at least, has his four year degree and is in law school. I'm not sure where his wife's progress is at the moment.
I don't know if there is any expectation that he will use that degree in anyway for Bethel service.
This has come up before, and I've got the above info from pretty reliable sources. Again, there are a lot of ex-JW urban myths around this subject.
In regard to choosing GB family members for college, well, nearly all of them are childless. And as I mentioned, Judah Ben was well into middle age when he went to college. Your scenario about Bethel "secretly" paying for college for well-connected JWs is simply unrealistic. A totally unfounded conspiracy theory.
Yes, if you have a degree for a profession that the Bethels worldwide have a real need for, law, medicine and engineering especially, you are likely to get accepted at Bethel and appointed to use that skill quite handily. I know of two families, the Dixons and the Howards, who were accepted at Bethel with their kids because they were MDs. And NO, they didn't spend a minute working in the laundry or something similar in order to "prove" their worth and humility.
The only one of the Bethel lawyers that I ever actually met or knew was crazy old drunken Hayden Covington.
I watched him mess up the lives of two reasonably good witness guys just a few years older than me in the 1960s.
Got one of them the full five years federal hard time over the draft, and charged the non-believing family over $10,000 for the privilidge. He also left town, neglecting the case, in order to take the case of non-witness Cassius Clay/Muhammed Ali at the same time.
Previously, he showed up in town for the Society and made sure that the other guy got not a penny from his Grandmother's estate - it all went to the WTS, naturally, and under rather shady circumstances. The guy eventually ended up a truck driver and left the witnesses, so I guess not everything was lost.
Judah B (50 yrs old) is attending Columbia Graduate Arts & Science courses but not in Law School yet........ (FIL Auto Dealer....Deals Autos to the WTS) Amber seems to be taking some time off after receiving her BS in Gen Studies in 06' or at least she is not enrolled at Columbia at this time.
James sorry to hear that.......Hayden was quite the hero in my old KH, I was even suppose to got to his alma mater for my degree.
I sister in my old hall had gone to bethel as a child with her family.
The society had accepted Dad, his wife and there two pre-teen daughters, because dad had some kind of special skill.
The really amazing part is that not only did they pay the expenses to move the family, they also paid for having the daughters horse shipped too. I assume that it must have been at the farms because they were allowed to keep the horse. And this sister told me that her Dad died of a heart attack there, walking across a field of wheat. Judging by this sisters age this would have been about late sixties, early seventies.