I think that most of the problems in the US stem from drug abuse, from CarJacking, Murder, to child abuse. I think it's wrong to associate gun violence just on guns alone, most LEGAL gun owners are responsible, careful lawful people who would never gun down their neighbor or shoot kids at school. The United States has always had the right to bear arms, and not since the wild west days has it been so bad, but is it the problem of guns and bullets, or is it a much tougher issue at hand. Would there be a need for violence if there were tougher laws for those who commit crimes? Death sentence for drug dealer? I am for more strict laws FOR CRIMINALS not for law abiding citizens who make sure that every gun they purchase is legal, and enjoys our rights given to use by the constitution, however for those who choose to pick up a gun and use it to harm and break the law then we as a society should punish those who choose the wrong way. For those of you in other countries who think criminals can just walk in to a gun store in the US and just buy a pistol and go commit a crime, think about this most criminals who commit gun crimes do not use legal guns, they buy dirty guns on the street, they steal weapons because legally purchased guns can and will be traced back to them. Now if there were strict law on possesion and sale of stolen weapons maybe the crime rate would fall, but we are a society stained by drug abuse, most rual areas are now known for meth production, there is no longer feeling that small towns remind one of the good old days, at least not for me. My feeling is that most crimes can be traced back to addition.