I would think it takes a lot to flabbergast NASA scientists but apparently it's been done. check the link :)
Indigo Insight
by feenx 13 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, you could grow asparagus in it.
Hm. Wonder what happens when we dig up the first martian fossil? That'd be fun.
Growing asparragus... Bullshit! The surface atmospheric presure on Mars is only 0.7% of that of Earth so most, if not all, animal and vegetal cells will burst; nevermind the lack of sun shine and freezing temperatures. Talk about hype.
No word yet on existance of frozen water yet; the ice in the images may be frozen CO2. If they unearth residues of water, it will soon split into hydrogen and oxygen by solar UV gamma and x-rays, as Mars does not have the magnetic field that protects the Earth from solar radiation.
uh, Gerard, that statement on asparagus was limited in scope to the soil composition. Simply that the soil itself would be good for growing asparagus. Not that asparagus could be grown on mars :)
For the latest news on the mission I check this site daily:
http://phoenix.lpl.arizona.edu/ -
Job opening: become a martian. Requirements: must like asparagus and thin atmosphere.
S -
Actually the presence of water ice has been confirmed for over a week.
The temperatures are too high this time of the Martian year at this location to allow for the existence of CO2 (dry) ice. -
so most, if not all, animal and vegetal cells will burst
We have been surprised before. Conventional wisdom once held nothing could live at the pressures obtained at the bottom of the ocean.
And there's always Andromeda, which thrives in space.