That song by lil Wayne makes me wanna dress up / down, heels and shake my money shelf! Dont know what he's saying sometimes, other parts are 'naughty', but the song is hot hot hot! Sexy hot. Ja not the most important subject matter I know.
Like a Lollipop!
by LouBelle 15 Replies latest jw friends
Shawty wanna THUG!
Yeah, I love that one too.
Why do they call girls shawty?
I have several regulars in the store that call me shawty. Or boo.
I love lollipops.
Is Shawty like Shortie in English ?
That's how it is pronounced. Shawty.
Yeah i like that song. Although i prefer flo rider when it comes to looks
I like this one too:
Burger Time
Haha every girl likes that song, even though if a guy who looked like Lil' Wayne actually said that to them they would probably slap him! Yes Shawtie and Shorty are the same thing, it's just a urban slang for short girls with fat asses.
Awakened at Gilead
That song by lil Wayne makes me wanna dress up / down, heels and shake my money shelf!
Please do that and post it on YouTube.... Please...
"Shwaty" is used for any girl with a fat ass, by the way...the song is catchy, as well as "Sexy Can I?" but they are apostate songs! LMAOL!!
C u 2 morrow....