Part 2: A@G interviewed in WT Comments Video

by Awakened at Gilead 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Thanks Gary Buss... I just finished reading Captives of a Concept and read your comments on that back cover...

  • garybuss

    You wrote: I just finished reading Captives of a Concept and read your comments on that back cover...

    What are your thoughts on the book?

  • JCanon

    Hi Awakened... I am ROFL!!!! You don't realize how this comes off...

    Thanks for keeping your post short and to the point...

    I've definitely given up on JWs... the Bible... looking at it outside of the JW box... seems to be a collection of historical documents from the Judeo-Christian civilization, sometimes true, sometimes embellished... but not necessarily a moral guide nor a prophetic book to live my life by...

    And I don't believe in Jehover- the great WTS-God anymore either... I'm agnostic, and was even an agnostic as a JW, but found it hard to reconcile with my JW faith....

    Your position is very COLLEGIATE and higher education. College people, prophessors, etc. always take the notion of handling the Bible as just a collection of literary works, presumed to be revised over time and just interesting literature. They consider it the "word of god." So while we were so glad (even me) you did manage to get a degree and hopefully a good job, the very thing the WTS warned against for going to college, you've become a cliche! You've become an agnostic.

    But I understand it. The WTS offers the best potential basis for thinking the Bible is true and God's word. They have the best understanding. If they are guessing and failing, then what? Where can you go? On the other side of the fense, the universities are looking at things very pragmatically and challenging us, especially in the absence of any overt indication to the contratry, that the Bible is just another book, flawed and manmade. Your higher education facilitated those concepts.

    Prophetically, this is the prophesied as the river disgorged from Satan to drown the woman. Obviously, this river of propaganda is quite powerful, otherwise it wouldn't be a threat. BUT... it is propaganda. It would be different if they told the truth or the whole story. But they don't. I have renown Assyriologists Herman Hunger and Abraham Sachs lying about what's in the ancient VAT4956!! Researchers have discovered from time to time, quite evidently that Xerxes and Artaxerxes were the same king, but the British Museum, who hoards ancient artifacts from the Middle East, suppress these people.

    Anyway, I wish you the best under the circumstances, it couldn't have been an easy choice. And thanks for sharing. We seldom get a close up report on the reality of the WTS at Headquarters, and we are all certainly on the same page that these guys are spin doctors and working the corporate religious angle. They are sort of like Judas who got overwhelmed with handling the building of new Kingdom Halls and managing the finances and printing and lost track of the spiritual focus. Now Jehovah has kicked them out.

    I particularly appreciated your comment about what one said that they KNOW THINGS that they can't reveal. I wonder if he was referring to the idea that they understoold, later on, that Christ would arrive in the flesh but could not expound that teaching at this point?

    Oh well!

    Obviously, I'm out of the loop and immune to "higher education" jive propganda because I've spoken with God personally!! Like Moses! Trying to convince Moses that evolution is a viable explanation to live won't go far. All those doubts and theories exist only in the VACUUM of God not showing up personally to prove himself. Problem is, he does for some of us, so we have no doubts and consider higher education a bunch of what it actually is, a lot of bull.

    Thanks, again for sharing, but it's so funny. The WTS says "don't go to the college"; you do and end up an agnostic!! I guess they were right about some things......


  • daniel-p

    Again, congrat, A@G. Oh, and don't pay no mind to JCannon, Purveyor of Nonsense.

  • Confession

    The video is no longer available. Where can I find it now?

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    It's still working... you can copy the link:

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Gary, I'll send you a PM...

  • JCanon

    I must say, you reminded me of many things in my own life. Especially when you said you wanted to "go where the need was great." I grew up in Compton where in a matter of a few years the congregations kept dividing almost every 3 or 4 years. Our territory was worked every week. So those wanting to pioneer and hoping to do more than spend hours standing in front of some store would seek to go "where the need was greater." So when I was 16 I arranged to go to Arkansas where I knew a brother who had gone to "where the need was greater." But that summer was eventful. I think I was a regular pioneer too at the time (I pioneered while I was in the 9th grade). That is the summer when I think what is described as "make the truth YOUR OWN" happened. I connected more directly with the Bible and Jehovah and the WTS became less of a mediator for me. Of course, there was lots and lots of personal study.

    I wasn't much of a follower though and sort of had a knack of seeing errors. Once I wrote the Society about an error they had made in the Watchtower. They acknowledged the error and told me to "correct my personal copy" and generally the local brothers were not happy about my pointing out the error. So I had the advantage of not being all that impressed with the WTS. I was old enough in the truth to know how many changes they made so figured that's just the way it goes. The light gets brighter. But that also means if I see something I think might be wrong, I can accept the WTS will just need to correct it later. It didn't mean they were not Jehovah's organization.

    Also, I was very impressed with the spiritual or I should say, "spiritistic" concepts going on at Headquarters. I was on tour and in New York and visited Bethel. I had always wanted to do so since childhood. I was alone so I got my personal guide. He told me that the site where Brooklyn Bethel was is the site where George Washington crossed over at a critical time that ended up helping to win the war so that America could be a place where freedom of religion could flourish which was necessary for the organization. But he told me Jehovah had caused a thick fog to arise at that very spot to help George Washington. That spiritual level of the anointed brothers who believes Jehovah interacts with holy spirit directly with them seemed to stand out. I often wonder what it is like in that pretigious company on a daily basis. I did also visit the library as well.

    But it makes sense the Writing Committee ends up doing most of the writing since they have so much to cover with the bi-weekly magazines. If I had questions I directed it to the Writing Committee. Of course, they were consistently rude in their replies and often sent copies to the local congregation. They were so apostate paranoid.

    Anyway, at least you're out. I became anointed in the summer of 1992 and Jehovah "disfellowshipped" the GB on November 10, 1992. Unfortunate. But, they've become the evil slave so that's the way it goes. It's just a farce organization now.

    I know, because of the impact of the WTS that when people leave, they don't seem to join other religions. Some maintain their faith in God independently, but many tend to take a secularist concept and stop believing. I can see how one can be pushed in that direction if the organization you believed was the "true religion" failed in that regard, and others as well, offer little. Because I had a closer personal relationship with Jehovah and only a relative devotion to the WTS I could bear the arrangement without losing my faith in Jehovah. I saw the organization as imperfect yet chosen, like the Jews. Once becoming anointed, though, the relationship with Jehovah is more direct and only technically connected to the organization, so I was fortunate in that sense, that I didn't lose faith in the reality of God or that the Bible was his word. But I'm such an extremist! I got through it because I'm profoundly absolute and was more studious than many. It wasn't good enough just to cover the material, I had to understand it and "make it my own." It got me into trouble, made me not that popular, but certainly has paid off in the end because I still have my faith in Jehovah and the Bible. I know--"good for ME" but, well, I'm happy.

    Take care. Thanks, again for sharing!



  • yknot

    Finally able to sit down and watch both videos....

    That was very bold of you, I hope it inspires others.... TY 4 sharing.

    V.....Another GradeA production WTG !!!!

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead
    That was very bold of you, I hope it inspires others.... TY 4 sharing.

    I wonder why people are so afraid.... lightning hasn't come down from the giant flying spaghetti monster yet to turn me into tomato puree....

    I've only gotten positive feedback on it...

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