were there any cases in your congregation?
by badboy 22 Replies latest jw friends
u mean OTHER than the mind-numbing drugs they were feeding us from the platform? lol...its plausible some young enterprising jw's would have jumped on the congregational pharmecutical dealing bandwagon...lol...
I did hear first hand of a couple teens in the hall that did partake in the funny weed but no dealing.
Back in the day......Elderkids right out in the KH parking lot. Whatever you wanted could be got!
Yet somehow my being a thinking female was much more a gross sin.....
Can you tell it was a sore spot with me.....I mean the cops eventually busted them one Tuesday night but somehow it wound up still being all my fault. This even though I was two years older and didn't associate with the boys & was away for the summer in the Czech Republic.......The Elderette mom still holds me responsible for her boys falling into drugs.....GO FIGURE ????
BTW the only drug experience I have is antibiotics, allergy OTC and whatever they gave me during labor/delivery. I was (am) such a goody goody, did my book reports on WT pub, it amazes me how hated I was (by some still am).
Back when I was involved with JWs, I used to hang out with a JW girl during the assemblies, and when I decided to leave and move away, she was the only one who still didn't treat me like a disease. Over the years, I have kept in contact with her on and off. Mentioning drug dealing in the KHs, I remember her telling me about what was going on in her congregation when I inquired about people I knew, etc. She told me that her unbaptized nephew was being accused by the elders of pushing drugs. One particular elder, the one that ripped me apart in my JC in '85, was especially ruthless. Soon after his inquisition began, it was revealed that his youngest son was the one pushing the drugs and not my friend's nephew. In fact, his son was quite the professional drug dealer pushing all sorts of stuff to the point that most of the kids in that KH were a bunch of druggies. Needless to say, that particular elder had to step down due to the scandal (tee-hee). My friend felt vindicated, although her nephew left the religion soon after on his own (gee, I wonder why). A couple of years later, I read in the local newspaper that this elder's son held up a pharmacy, was arrested and is currently serving a five-year sentence. Even though he's paying for his crime, it's almost unfair; it's as if he is paying for the sins of his father. I remember his son as a toddler, and it saddens me to hear what happened to him and to others I had association with in another lifetime.
Yes...I saw this for myself...and actually shut up about it to "protect" my brother.
Back in the early 80's my brother's buddies sold weed at the Vancouver assembly. They had carved a cavity into their bibles, so that it would "pocket" the weed. Apparently the pages of the bible make good roll papers?!?
I heard about it being done at a district assembly at the Daly City Cow Palace in the parking lot during the early 80's...I knew some of the kids out there...I wasn't invited...wouldn't have gone anyway.
In the several cong's I attended: never saw dealing. Saw kids using, usually MJ, but also injecting heroin. Alcohol was more prevalent. Not too much smoking on the part of kids.
First meeting i ever went to i ran into 2 guy i used to smoke weed and do a little coke with in high school. They knew a brother who they said sold weed but i never met him.
back in the late 70's my cong.PO had three teenage sons(who I was "really encouraged" to hang out with)that were really into pot. WE all would get together after the bookstudy on friday night and smoke, and drink beers for most of the night. Hey Randy S, if you are reading this you were right back then, what in the world made me stay one of of JW's with your type of example? randy, Kevin, and Tim,,, what a bunch of hypocrites,what goes around comes around must be true !