I moved in with a horse......

by wings 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • wings

    Really a Mastiff, St. Bernard mix.....his name is Harry. He is seven years old, gentle and kind. When he wants to hug me, he often knocks me down. I also moved in with another dog and a cat.....good thing I love them all. Harry's hair is a major mess. Been without animals for a year, can't believe what I was missing. Loving my new furry friends, love my new life. wings

  • carla

    I just met a ginormous gentle giant like that! he slimed me, but meant it in a good way. I sure wouldn't want one of them mad at me! I think my whole head would fit in his mouth.

    Have fun with your new horse, eerr, dog. Buy extra large poopie bags!

  • Hope4Others

    Then you've given him the proper name..."Harry"

    glad things are looking up so good...Hey enjoy apostafest, heard you were going.



    I have a very large dog too..Very furry..Just got him groomed.....$120.00..Dog 6...........................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • wings

    thinking about taking him for a professional bath....my brother just gave him a "shower" and the hair was an "issue" (inside dog and all)...a veritable "fluff a dog nightmare".....at this point I DON"T CARE WHAT IT COSTS!!! If I recycled the hair, some serious weavers could make some nice soft rugs for a convention hall.....or two.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Wings, I'm so glad to hear your new life is turning out to be good. I hope mine will improve soon.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead


    I'm glad that your flight has landed and that you are doing well....

    I hope to fly soon... I'm strecthing my wings....


  • JK666

    I love big dogs. He can part of the cuddly club!


  • lancelink

    The title alone just grabbed me in ! I'm glad that you are doing well, animals really can help.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    You have it pretty good! My wife only moved in with PART of a horse....A Horses ASS she says!! LOL

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