Remember this noxema commercial? Take it off. Take it all off.
>>>>>> Your favorite jingles <<<<<<<<<<<<
by FlyingHighNow 28 Replies latest jw friends
compound complex
Even the dumbest commercials insinuated themselves deep into people's psyches. Gary Cross, a Penn State professor and author of ''An All-Consuming Century,'' a history of commercialism, asked: ''Do you remember this?
'Buy Dr. Ross Dog Food. Do your dog a favor. It's got more meat,
and it's got more flavor.
It's got more meat to make him feel the way he should.
Dr. Ross Dog Food is doggone good. Woof!'''FHN:
Isn't it remarkable how you can Google a few words from a childhood memory (the 1950s) and come up with the above?
Yes, it is amazing, Coco.
I cant find the Tang Commercial with the Do the space walk like the astronauts. Get your space tang. Get your energy bang commercial on youtube though.
I did find this Tang Commercial. I love the music and hey, Tang's got more vitamin C than orange juice. Clearly Tang is superior:
compound complex
Brusha, brusha, brusha, with the new IPANA,
It's better for your teeth!
Fred and Barney pushing Winston Cigarettes. Winston tastes good like a cigarette should.
I want a mystery date. Makes dating sound so harmless. We all know where dating leads.
It's not nice to fool Mother Nature!!!
compound complex
Not exactly a jingle, but your Mother Nature/Chiffon commercial (a fave of mine) reminded me of this oldie but very goodie:
"Commercial director," to me, means "director who makes movies with a view toward making money." A commercial director can make art, or crap, or both at different times. Hitchcock (as previously mentioned), Ford, Hawks, etc. -- all commercial directors.
"Director of commercials" makes 15 to 60 second epics solely to inspire people to buy the commodity that is the subject of the epic. Like features, most commercials are ephemeral, but some become icons. The unknown director for a Bayer aspirin commercial will otherwise be forever remembered for directing the iconic 1950s commercial script, herein appended in its entirety:
1950s HOUSEWIFE stirs a bubbling pot on the stove.
Don't you think it needs a little more salt?
Harried, stressed 1950s Housewife slams lid on pot.
Mother, please! I'd rather do it myself!
[CUT TO NARRATOR extolling the virtues of Bayer aspirin ...]
(CoCo sez: My recollection is that the narrator intones:Sure, you have a headache, but don't take it out on your mother!)
Immortal. Unforgettable, obviously, since I remember it to this day.
-- Paul -