I have recently been exposed to this term, and I am currently doing research for a paper on this movement. I am wondering if there are any on this board that would affirm this label for themselves.
Do You Consider Yourself a "Bright?"
by XJW4EVR 28 Replies latest jw friends
Superfine Apostate
while i sympathize with the brights, i wouldn't call myself one. simply because i don't want to be connected to any kind of organization.
The 'Bright' movement makes me feel uncomfortable. It just seems a bit arrogant - almost like saying that if you are not an atheist then you must be a bit 'dim'.
Now I have not exactly been reluctant in advancing arguments against faith and religion on this board, for me atheism is by far the most reasoned position available but I have to be fair to those believers here who know how to argue their corner. I would say though that there are only a few who can do it well.
I agree with the movement, but I also agree with Christopher Hitchens, who found it a "cringe-making proposal that atheists should conceitedly nominate themselves to be called 'brights.' "
The choice of the word 'bright', as I understand it, was not made in order to make 'opposers' 'dim' in comparison, but to choose a positive sounding word for the movement. Nevertheless, I feel it backfires. It causes division rather than brings people of different opinion closer.
The Brights movement is, as I understand it, not so much an organization, but an umbrella term for various (autonomous) people who have a naturalistic view of the universe and life. The 'movement' part first comes into play when it comes to being an organized effort to try and promote science and scientific thought and reasoning in the public domain, and also to promote acceptance for the naturalistic worldview. That part I agree with.
Just not too keen on the 'Brights' moniker.
It's been (jokingly?) suggested that those who have a supernatural worldview can go by the similarly positive moniker 'Super'.
I guess some agnostics in that case could call themselves 'Super bright'...
I signed up with the Brights website, so I guess I would be considered one. But it's such a loose term. It's not exactly like getting baptized as one of JWs! No two questions and oath of loyalty to the WTS.
Even though I share a naturalistic view on the universe, I'm rather reluctant to consider myself a "Bright". I find these "light/darkness" metaphors too elitist and disrespectful to label a group of people who share a similar perspective on the natural world.
what is it about humans? We seem to turn everything into an organization or a contest. Especially Americans.
and rules, dammit, let's make some rules. And let's name ourselves something special so folks will KNOW we're special. and let's make everyone else into outsiders.
Not to the face of a "Dim"
I am told I am bright...
I belong to the "Dims".
Are you going to give them equal time in your paper?