Well I guess I asked for it, Didn't I???

by Princess Daisy Boo 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    You may recall the thread I started on Monday about wanting a change or an adventure...

    Well how's this for the laws of attraction.... My husband has just been told that his company is laying off 600 of it's 3000 employees in a massive restructure.

    They are offering voluntary separation packages, early retirements, and then of course there will be forced retrenchments.

    We are thinking and hoping that he is safe for now, he is in middle management and well respected and liked. But you just never know...

    There is a little part of me that wants to say lets take the voluntary separation package and use the money to emigrate, but that is a huge decision and will have so many repurcussions with regards to our extended family, so I dont know if it is the right thing to do, even though we live in this insane country!

    Well, it just goes to show, be careful what you wish for!

  • LouBelle

    I'm not saying immigrate but immigrate - no no no we have a wonderful country and I'm starting to think that Zuma won't be so bad - I have hope.

    How long have they given your hubby to think things through - perhpas this is what you need. Speak to hubby - if the package is attractive ..... Speak to family, it can be pricey to get the whole family over as well.

  • Hortensia

    California - great place to be!!! Lots of South Africans in the area, so it must not be too hard to move here. and we really like the accent!

  • jaguarbass

    If you move to America you could be an African American.

    If I moved to Africa I would be an American African.

    Do you have many American Africans in Africa?

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    If you are white, that would be novel here: a white African American

  • SirNose586
    California - great place to be!!! Lots of South Africans in the area, so it must not be too hard to move here. and we really like the accent!

    The only good thing we've got nowadays is the sunshine and the beach. Just about everything else blows, seriously. The state is constantly ablaze, there's no water, gas is more expensive, hell EVERYTHING's more expensive, and the incompetent guhvuhnatuh doesn't care.

  • Outaservice

    I have heard of people who turned down the severance packages and were later let go anyhow, with nothing.

    Think it over.


  • HAL9000


    My commiserations - I've been retrenched 3 times in my working life & it always sucks - even if you're not part of the "separation".

    At the moment my workplace (Aust Government sector) is going through a redundancy program and there is sooooo much stress and negative feelings in the place that I am going to take a week's leave to get away from it.

    If you can, consider it as a door closing and another opening........


  • StAnn

    Don't know where you want to emigrate to but the US wouldn't be on the top of my list. Especially if you have/plan to have children. It's getting stranger and stranger in this country. My husband and I are starting to look at other countries to see if there is any place better for us to emigrate to! Probably not, but if you find a great place, let me know.


  • beksbks

    StAnn, being an American, I'm just curious what you mean by stranger and stranger?

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