I think to be angry is different then to act out. Everyone who left should be angry. For whatever reason you did leave, the Governing Body is culpable to be sure.
I will be honest, the best revenge is to live well. For me and many others born into the cult, we didn't have the opportunities (eductional, monetary, or otherwise) that others had. So we make the best of what we can. To be angry is a part of the process. Hopefully, it isn't the last or only part of the process.
I have seen ex JW's either protest outside DC sites, to hippies playing guitars and wearing tie-dye, and this is what the GB points to and says, "See how bitter they are? They are unahppy like King Saul because they left Jehovah." This is simply frontloaded language to make sure the rank and file JW already has an answer before the question is even asked in his mind. The Governing Body have become experts at anticipating which questions their flock will ask. They then load the answer into the flocks mind, programming a response in the indoctrinated.
The GB knows better. They just don't give a damn about anyone or anything but their own position.