WT almost killed me today...kinda really

by oompa 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa
    sixofnine with the EAT ME avatar: you gotta quit with the goddamn .....


    sixofnine....I agree, but WHO has to quit the goddamn???.....there is only one goddamn on this entire thread...and i just read it three times...it is yours. I did have a dammm....and thought that was ok...just like all the WTF? I do find it ironic that if you are a mod....your EAT ME avatar just told someone here to not use goddamn. If I did use that I apologize....and generally try to avoid textually correct crude language...esp. that which includes God in it.......help me out here....was it me?....someone else?....a mistake on your part?......thanks.........oompa

  • oompa

    That is very funny. Does she have grandchildren who use her Ipod?

    Helll no....neither of us do...and she has only young adult step kids....dammit.........so it was a bit of a shock.......oompa

  • oompa


    you gotta quit with the goddamn .....


    hahaha...lmao...wings just helped me figger out that you were talkin about the ......dots...and not the "goddamn"....I thought I was about to get booted or banned or restrained or sumpin....geeze.....hey these ......help keep me sane.....and would be used a lot more.....but i have the patent on them...........oompa

  • changeling


    Be careful darlin!

    changeling :)

  • WTWizard

    You have several options, aside just listening to the Washtowel recordings and Kingdumb Maladies that pop up on the iPod.

    (1) Go out and get your own iPod. On it, plant your own music on it. Whatever you like to listen to, even if it's "bad". She will keep her "clean" music and Washtowel material to herself, and you will be able to keep your "bad" songs away from her (she probably doesn't like "bad" music anyways).

    (2) Prepare to stop when you hear crap like that. It is never safe to ride a bicycle (and worse with a motorcycle) while fiddling with a portable stereo. If you stop, you can then alter the program yourself.

    (3) Learn how to partition the music you want and the programs you do not want. Then set it so only the desired tracks will come up, without the Bible crap and Kingdumb Maladies.

    (4) Leave the music at home. That way, you will not have to worry about what's on it.

    And, either way, you will live to post (or drink, or both) another day--whichever you choose.

    Just don't drink and drive!

  • babygirl75

    hehehe Oompa...

    I bet your wife figured out you've been taken her ipod and she fixed it up for you just to f*ck with you!!!!

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre


  • jaguarbass

    I got stopped by the Sherrif here in Fla yesterday, for listening to my I pod while driving my car. He gave me a written warning thats now in the computer so I cant say I didnt know next time.

    I'm still bumed out by that. I like listening to my I pod when I'm driving.

    Today when I left the gym I forgot to take it off and was driving home when my wife called me on my cell phone and I took it off to answer the phone and realized I still had it on. I might end up getting a ticket for being to stupid to remember to take it off.

    I've been wearing it everywhere for the past couple of years and its a hard habit to break.

    It doesnt seem right people can talk on their cell phones and not get a ticket and they can wear bluetooths and not get a ticket, but I cant wear my I-pod anymore in Pinellas county.

  • chellechelle

    yes my mother actually went out and bought one even though money is tight for that purpose alone.. ( i laugh)

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