My son who is very (for lack of a better word) "square" was trying out his new drivers license by running errands for me today. I about had to die when I got a call from him from the printing shop. I had asked him to drop some photos off for me and wait to get them picked up. Well poor guy fell victim to my oddness and I had him walk into it without thinking.
I get this phone call from a VERY embarrassed boy. He got there and halfway putting in what to print, he realized that he had nude photos of a pregnant lady, a handful of Rastafarian's, a Mexican/American wedding, the rainbow family looking bunch of kiddos, newborn nekkid bumm photos with the mom and dad (baby held to chest), and a crop of photos of my friends boy who had the worst black eye. HE looks beat to hell.
HE called up and was flustered and wondering WHY I had made him look like the worlds biggest weirdo. I see his point , NOW, that he is back and thoroughly embarrassed and at odds with the mix. I did have to laugh for a good long time about it. It was one of those mom moments that just 'gets' you. Very sweet and touching it was to my soul and funny bone.
So any of you have those moments where your kids just find the things you do so very off?