Notice that the Scripture says "All Scripture is inspired and beneficial". It doesn't say "All Scripture, together with the washtowels, is beneficial".
I see no practical purpose to read the Bible daily. Its message is not for us conscious thinkers anyway, and there are so many errors in the Bible that were put in at the source. Many were understanding errors, which effectively ruined the Bible. Others were put there on purpose because the Catholic Church had an agenda. Others were memory errors--would you remember details of events more than 20 years ago? And there are always transcription errors (generally the least significant).
As an alternative, I simply observe the most basic principles, that are so simple that small children automatically understand them. I do not need a Bible, let alone a Washtowel or Asleep, to tell me what to do and what not to do. Even when I need a Bible (for instance, to prove that the Washtowel does not follow it), I can look it up online and get the scriptures I need without having to go to any Kingdumb Hell (I threw away all my New World Translation Bibles, but I can still look it up on their own site).