how many insiders?

by agent zero 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • agent zero
    agent zero

    thanx for all your inputs! llbh, thanx for your advice, but it's definitely easier said then done. unfortunately my situation is more like bythesea's, having friends and family all "very much in it", making leaving all the more difficult.

    i always somewhat suspect ones who are in the large, well-known witness families.. statistically the odds are higher (ie. what are the odds of everyone in a 20 ppl extended family all believing the exact same thing) and additionally they have more family to lose for leaving too.. and often they're a result of several generations of dubs so it sort of becomes a "heritage" issue too... (remember that article "remembering your christian heritage")

  • treadnh2o

    the "friends" in the hall think I am still in probably only because my wife and kids go a hell of a lot more than me. However every time I go I scan the audience wondering what causes people to show up for this. Here are my conclusions at every meeting: 1) Serious mental Problems- about 35% 2) Too many family members in to leave- about 63% 3) Intelligent but actually believe the B.S. 2 %. I am not too quiet about my '"apostasy" so hopefully it is only a matter of time before my presence is requested before the elders and I can tell them to go F*** themselves. My only problem is m wife and kids are still developing a support group unbeknownst to them.

  • outofthebox

    I am an elder. How about that? LOL. And I know many insiders and they don't even post here!

  • Reverend Warhawk
    Reverend Warhawk

    What's a Kindom Hall?

  • freethinker2009

    I'm still active i have ministry on Sat and a talk on Tuesday not sure how long it will take before i make the decision to leave but should not be too long now. I have alot of family in there though and i dont want to loose them


  • caliber

    Hey agent zero,

    Welcome aboard, you're about the third one I've seen join in two days... things are really looking up .....

    the more the merrier I say ! Everyone has good input, a new angle or perspective, it's great to see !


  • nbernat

    I'm active, a pioneer and awaiting pioneer school. :D

  • Akira

    Still in.

  • Quirky1

    I know more about the society from this website than she knows from the meetings.

    So true...

  • TooBad TooSad
    TooBad TooSad

    I am still "active" in that I still turn in bogus hours. I have not commented in the meetings for

    over 4 years. I have not done any preaching for over 9 years. I go to very few meetings. Just

    enough to keep the heat off and to keep peace in the family. I receive my annual sheparding

    call where I tell the elders the same stuff about feeling lied to about the 1975 change and the

    change in the generation which has caused me to lose confidence in the end ever coming.

    They sympathize with me and then they go on their merry way.

    TooBad TooSad

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