This is perhaps new to your doctor (you having such a test result), and she may be pouring a lot at you at once. Remember to breathe, and that it will take time to have everything fall into place.
Definitely do check you blood sugar, and at consistent times - while it may not make a lot of difference if you're following a stricter diet, you may be able to see that certain foods spike your blood sugar.
Diabetes is hard on the eyes as well as the kidneys: your doctor just wants to make sure there hasn't been any damage to your eyesight. This isn't really very likely with 150 for a year, but should be checked into just in case.
To calm things, maybe write out a list of everything that's to be done (eye test, nutritionist visit, test dates, etc.), and then put dates next to them - you'll be able to see that there's plenty of time to work through things.
This isn't a tragedy! Just something to learn more about, and manage like other things in life. Something to attend to.
EDIT: National Diabetes Association homepage: