And noted how they made mention of how many people had left other religions, but of course they said nothing of how many had escaped the dubs. I just thought that was funny. I also must've heard what god WILL do as opposed to what he is doing like 700 times; and this was in one day.
So I was at the Circus Ass-embly
by Vachi 8 He Is 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals
And, pray tell, what is that wiley ol' God going to do? Smite the wicked? ;-)
Welcome, Vachi!
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Welcome Vachi !
I also must've heard what god WILL do as opposed to what he is doing like 700 times
I hope Hojovah was there so he could take note of what he is supposed to be doing really, really soon. But you know him. He was probably asleep and drooling on his notebook or out cruising the hallways to meet hot sisters.
B the X
Vachi 8 He Is
They lack the understanding that "will do" is far from "actually doing". And maybe it's me but I can't imagine a situation in which god supposedly wants something done but it not be so. That would throw that almighty crap out the window. Thank you Void.
I'd be really curious how many have really left the organization this year....
Comments jw make seems to indicate lots...
Welcome Vachi,
hope4others -
Vachi 8 He Is
Thanks B the X. I've been raised in the goof since probably 1977 or 78 and when I got my cognitive abilities I remember being told the end is near, hour is at hand and all that crap. I was also going to school and got my first crush. I was told I shouldn't tell my crush how I felt because she may feel the same and it could lead to something detestable to Slo-hovah. Whatever. A time period in which it is imperative to put relationship building into practice had been whacked. Thanks Jah. Couldn't have Transformers because the names of them were names of demons. Dang near all Saturday morning cartoons were demonic (Smurfs, Snorks, Thundercats, Silverhawks, Shirt Tales) WTF!? Shirt Tales? Ok, if you say so. It's like all people were doing is exercising imagination. If god didn't want us to use that then maybe that shouldn't have been part of the blueprint. But then of course if that happened.......he wouldn't exist.
Our congregation growth this year: -1.5%
I only wonder when they are going to start having it be normal to have zero baptisms and 30 or 40 leaving per session. I would like to see EMPTY ASSEMBLY HALLS.
agent zero
I'd be really curious how many have really left the organization this year....
i do a calculation from the yearbook stats.. find the actual difference between this year's and last year's averages, and compare that to the number baptised. # baptised is how much the growth should technically be, so the amount missing is how many left.
298,000 baptised. (rounded numbers)
6,692,000 (2007 avg. pub.) minus 6,492,000 (2006 avg. pub.) = 200,000 actual increase.
298,000 - 200,000 = 98,000 fugitives!
str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up
You can't rely on those figures anyway. DODGY! The Society has a habit of making itself look better than it really is, and then praising Jehobidoobie for its increase. :p