little WT extras

by agent zero 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • agent zero
    agent zero

    you know whats always bothered me intensely? .. when witnesses (esp. pioneers) have all the little WT extras, such as the WT year agenda, the WT removable book covers, bible with their name printed on the leather cover, the RV book with the little tower logo on it, "pens from patterson" etc. ...stuff that says "look i'm even more involved with the society than you 'coz i have all these custom accessories.. yeah i rock"

    just wanted to let that out


  • donny

    Yeah I found some of that annoying as well. A lot of the JW's had their bibles and reasoning books bound together so they appeared to be getting their info from the bible alone. One sister I knew made little Watchtower tie-tacs and Awake necklace pendants and her brother made little white plaques with the tetragrammaton in gold letters. And all the while knocking the Christendom folks for doing similar things with the cross and the name Jesus.

  • yknot

    Lets not forget the all important highlighters....

    What more accurate way to judge a person's devotion & spirituality then by how many highlighter colors they use for the WT study!


    PS matching parent/ child accessories are all the rage now! (vomit)

  • Casper
    you know whats always bothered me intensely?
    Yeah I found some of that annoying as well

    I'm sorry, I was one of "Those" that had all the extras....

    Seemed most in our congregation did tho....had no idea it offended some....


  • Finally-Free

    I had some of the extras. I wanted people to envy me. I wanted them to think I was more holy than they were. I had a folder for tracts. The tracts never came out of it. I had a watchtower folder, but the watchtower was never underlined. I had a custom return visit book with nothing written in it. I had a bookmark for my daily text but I never read the daily text.


  • Casper
    I had some of the extras. I wanted people to envy me. I wanted them to think I was more holy than they were


    I certainly never had them to promote... "Envy".

    Most of those things were bought as gifts for each other....


  • yknot

    I think for many it is like Jr/High School......all about status and the items that prove status.

    Some do it to genuinely dupe everyone others do it as a form of spite, proving the hypocrisy of the KH.

    Some are just JW junkies.

  • Finally-Free

    I was upset because I couldn't get a WT tie clip.


  • agent zero
    agent zero
    And all the while knocking the Christendom folks for doing similar things with the cross

    i guess thats what annoys me the most about it. they're all against using images and symbols and stuff, but if having a little tower thing on your tie clip makes you so much more spiritual then someone who doesnt....

    oh yeah the bookmarks! those seem to be a hit. the ones with the bible reading schedule. if you have a regular bookmark with maybe a nature picture on it, you'll likely get offered a WT one by some benevolent sister who believes that she thereby helped you with a great bookmark-upgrade. haha k, maybe thats a little stretched.

  • Troggle

    I remember there was a company that was supposed to be owned by wittnesses that sold bookbags for feild service all the little book covers and crap. It was like a wittness christmas when one of the sisters would bring the catalog to the hall. Everyone ordered there "field service survival gear" from it. Right before I left it was discovered that the owners of the place weren't wittnesses but had studied at one time so we all had to stop ordering from them. It broke my heart. I loved thier multicompartment easy to organize, give me something to do while sitting in the car waiting for some blowhard on a 45 min RV service bags. The ones from walmart sucked.

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