I came upon this scripture after writing down a dream I had about separating the sheep from the goats. As I read further into the scripture, Jesus talks about the clothing, feeding, thirsting, sickness, etc. of individuals and those on the right met those needs for him (those in that situation). I was wondering how this applies to JW's, as they don't believe in doing charity work. They seem to thinking that field service is enough. I wonder how they would make application of this scripture. I'd like to ask my mother, but she'd flip her wig, and get mad like she normally does.
Matt. 25:31-46
by GetOverIt 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
GetOverIt, I know of only one time [could be more] where they applied Matt.25, 31-46. The Book "Pay attention to Daniel's Prophecy" on page 288 it says"...it would be wise for the "great crowd" to associate with these holy ones....Jesus Christ recommended that sheeplike people do exactly that-associate with his anointed spritual brothers by supporting them in their work." Then it gives the scripture, Matt.25, 31-46. Nothing is said about the preaching work in that scripture. The WTS is guilty of adding to God's word. Deut. 12 verse 32 and Rev.22 verse 19.
From what I remember, the WT explanation focuses on verse 40 of that passage:
And in reply the king will say to them, ‘Truly I say to YOU , To the extent that YOU did it to one of the least of these my brothers, YOU did it to me.’And in reply the king will say to them, ‘Truly I say to YOU , To the extent that YOU did it to one of the least of these my brothers, YOU did it to me.’
So they concentrate on support of "my brothers", which they interpret as being the anointed ones among JW's. They don't extend that verse to cover needy ones among humanity, because that wouldn't fit their group-cult dogma. "The organization" is the central teaching of JW's, and the Governing Body wants your attention and adoration.
The JW's teach that the most important thing you can do for an outsider is give them hope. And the Watchtower has a lot of false hope to sell. It's easier to print up a lot of magazines with false hope than it is to actually get out there and tackle social needs.
The verses really apply to the world of mankind since the world began and who will be resurrected into the Kingdom for the reasons given. And the sheep are, decent human beings who will be classified as sheep and enter through the promised resurrection of mankind. The Goats for the reasons given will not enter and perish when our Lord returns. Christians will be judged by another set of rules and those that are not Faithful and chosen as a disciple will be thrown out with the drunkards to take their chances with the rest of the world. And as you said many are so self centered that they are not really decent human beings. This will prove to be a disaster for them as shown. Doctrine is not the issue when this selection process takes place. Kindness, basic humanity, that is what our Lord will be looking for at when he returns to save the human race.
As Gopher pointed out, the main interpretive problem of the parable lies in the identification of the "brothers" -- whom does the "Son of Man," or "King," call his "brothers"? One possibility is that every needy person is meant. Another is that the disciples -- those who have left everything to follow Jesus, i.e. the "apostles" and wandering missionaries or prophets (cf. 19:27ff) -- are meant.
The WT is not necessarily wrong in choosing the second option (cf. 12:46ff and 28:10 for instance), although the first one cannot be ruled out (perhaps it would suit Luke better than Matthew). The idea that there is a reward for receiving or offering a glass of water to a disciple (specifically) is expressed in 10:42ff, along with the notion that what is done to the person sent is done to the sender -- two features which play an important role in 25:31ff.
What is much more questionable is (1) the identification of such "brothers" to a collective body of "anointed" who, in turn, are practically equated to an organisation which is neither "hungry," nor "thirsty," nor "stranger," nor "ill," nor "imprisoned" and (2) the subsequent transformation of practical help or support to doing the work of the disciples, i.e., becoming disciples (preachers, missionaries, etc.). With those two developments the WT clearly misses the point of the parable, even if the narrower interpretation of "brothers" is correct.
Thanks for all your responses. I've been gone about 4 years and I can't really remember how it has been made application. This is a great board. I appreciate the timely responses. And on a national holiday too!