i am sorry for the pain, and emotional conflict your feeling.
i know it well. very well. i suspect that many in my congregation, "suspect" me and my new found revelation that i feel this cult is exactly that. a cult. however it no longer matters.
i am becoming more out spoken about how i feel and no longer care who knows what.
i told my die hard dubster wife wench how i felt in May. SHE chose to say nothing to get me in trouble. i didnt care what she did, but those were her choices, not mine. the more i think about it, after i do what i'm about to do, i think she will find herself on the receiving end of a j.c. because she didnt come foward. gee...thats to bad. me? i'm composing one hell of a da letter that will rock many galaxy class starships. will it be read? na. but i'll feel like i did it the right way, for me. FOR ME.
the only way i can see my way out of such a thought control group is to fire everyone. this will mean loosing all friends, wife and relationships. i will still have my family, parents and sisters. they stand by me no matter what i decide. and i have one true friend, someone i can trust. and more.
they said in no uncertain terms that it was an apostate conspiracy; that they had hacked the web site and falsified the Guardian article.
all to true. even when i mailed my letter to the wtbts about their involvement....they said basicaly the same thing. i gave them copies and those were the first words even before they actually READ it.
Learn about the Wtbts and the U.N.
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