What determined the path you took once you came to your senses?

by donny 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • donny

    I have been reading a lot of posts over the past few weeks and noticed how some folks have taken the atheist/agnostic path, while others have replaced their zeal for the Society into one of another faith. What led you to take the path you did?

    For me, I just began doing a lot of deep thinking and trying to come to the most logical conclusion based on the facts that I had before me.. As a result, I have taken the agnostic path because it makes the most sense to me. After I realized the Watchtower drizzle was a bunch of hooey, I was extremely cautious about replacing ir with something that may be more believable, but equally untrue. I have come to believe that if there is a supreme being/creator out there, then he just got things started billions of years ago and left us to our own devices.

    I find it hard to believe that a supreme omnipotent being (the key words here are supeme and omnipotent) could not have done a better job of communicating to his subordinates, since he seems to want us to worship and adore him/her so much. Why would a god want to send bears to rip up 42 kids who were making fun of Elisha? "He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the LORD. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the youths." (2 Kings 2:24) Why would a Supreme Being be concerned with reporting on men who had "genitals as large as a donkey’s and emissions like those of a horse.?" (Ezekiel 23:20)

    These are just two of many ludicrous statements in the Bible and it strains the thinking mind that a "higher power" could have inspired the writting of so many things that many humans find revolting. If god is thinking about us so much, why has he done such a lousy job of communicating with us? And why is nearly all of the communication something 2000 years and more in the past? Why is ones religious faith more based on the geography of where you were born rather than god communicating his will and purpose clearly to his creation all over the earth?

    These and many, many other things have led me to my current agnostic state. While giving up on the notion of living forever was a bummer in the beginning, I have come to terms with that reality and I really enjoy my life now.

    So what led you to where you are now?

  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    A sincere prayer led me to start to study all religions and find the truth about the Divine.

  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    Atheist here. What finally disspelled my belief in a god was good ol' empirical evidence based science which I studied in college.

    Have you read "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins, or Victor Stenger's "God: The Failed Hypothesis" or "The Demon Haunted World" by Carl Sagan?

    Excellent supernatural myth busting!

  • Carmel

    What led to the path I took? Nearly two decades away from B org indoctrination and the dysfunctional people that I was surrounded by! During that time completed a degree in biological science, several minors, traveled to several foreign countries and experianced different cultures while all the time being a professed anti-religion agnostic. Only when I took a detached and disinterested review of religion was it possible to see a convergence of religion and science and that a different paradigm was possible that reconciled the hand waving prognosticators of dogma. I am at peace with my self and the world of reality. carmel

  • shamus100

    Reading trashy bible verses like the one you quoted and realizing how horrible the god of the bible is - that is, if one takes him or her literally.

    100% atheist here.

    I don't like saying never, but I will never serve the god of the bible.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    I'm just out for 3 months but I consider myself agnostic....

  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    For the first few years, it was like having been cast adrift somewhere.
    The only thing I was definite about was feeling extremely distrustful of religion - in any of its forms.

    After that,I figured that I had best get in touch with the person I had been before the WT Madness took hold
    - then work forward from that point.
    The whole process has felt very much like case of rebuilding ones life.
    I guess that,though, could largely be determined by the age a person was when they got ensnared by the JWs.
    While not actually born into "The Truth", I did get involved at an age when most young persons are extremely impressionable (I certainly was).

    The only major thing I still have in common now with what when I first broke the JWs 14 years ago is the distrust toward any form of religion.
    I very much identify with the others on this thread who find it extremely hard to believe in the existence of a master intelligence / supreme being, or whatever!


  • esw1966

    Wow, I can understand where you are. But for myself, I believe in a loving Creator. For me that makes the most sense. I also believe that such a belief brings the most happiness.

    I have always longed to be attached to a loving Creator. I figure, in the end, the most happiness is attaching yourself the originator of all of this and working with his purpose. Otherwise, you end up working against the way things are set up and end up getting hurt in the process.

    I searched podcasts and sought the Bible's meaning. For me, truth is Jesus. I am a sinner and he died for my sins. I accept and put faith in his work and God attributes righteousness to me and grants me eternal life. Sounds a little dreamy to a skeptic, but I believe that is the truth. This belief has changed my life and I am thrilled each day! I strive to do my best. I try to be there for others and put them first. I try to fit in and help out.

    I'm half-way through my Surgical Tech program and life is great! I respect other's journey. I believe love and forgiveness is the greatest gift you can give. I believe the exampler of that is Jesus.

    I like my journey and I respect yours. In the end, we're working the best with what we've got. Keep searching, keep knocking, he's not far from you. He's a God of love. That's my belief.

  • esw1966
    What finally disspelled my belief in a god was good ol' empirical evidence based science which I studied in college.

    Dear Lady Zombie,

    I went to college and I too thought my Anatomy and Physiology was my greatest proof positive of a Creator.

    There is no way you can begin to understand the complexities of the human body, all it's systems and hormones, and then see how they all begin to work in unison and then tell me that it was just a grand stroke of luck. It is too amazing! I believe that to believe such a story of evolution and no God takes much more faith and a desire to not believe than it takes to believe in a Creator.

    Listen to teachers of anatomy and physiology. They repeatedly, over and over again, tell of how amazing such systems are. It is fascinating! It leaves you in awe!

    I believe that the more you learn about anything, the more amazed by it you will be and you will be in awe of it because it is just too amazing to have just happened.

    Take a Anatomy and Physiology Course and then tell me there is no God.

    That's my take....


  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    I have taken anatomy and physiology courses (I worked in healthcare for many years).......and I don't believe in god.

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