Does the Watchtower Sell Automobiles?--by request! Request from researcher: Hello, Atlantis. I was wondering if a rumor I heard was true or not. I read a post somewhere that the Watchtower was selling cars, and advertising them right in-front of the Kingdom Hall. Is this true or just a rumor? ************************************ Thank you for your request! Well, I will let you be the judge! Take a look at the photo below: I hope this helps some! N.
Does the Watchtower "Sell" Automobiles?--by request!
by Atlantis 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Interesting how you came across that piece of info.
Thank you!
[email protected] is the lovely "Brother" who runs this site. -
Yes! They do sell the COs used cars. I was on a meeting and they read a letter from the Branch offering three different models: They described the car type, color, model. I was in shock! We can't even talk about anything not witness related and they sell cars from the platform!
Dale Baker International (owner of has been arranging cars for the WTS for years..(his daughter Amber is married to Judah Ben Schroeder, son of deceased GB Bert Schroeder & probably the financier of both of their Columbia educations).
I am not for sure on the exact arrangement but I am assuming the WTS has discounted leases. When the lease expires Dale recycles them through the site.
While he has recently sold his Hyundai-Isuzu dealership.....seems CL is going strong.
Here is a thread on Judah that mentions Dale. oldie but good back from Sept 2001.
Here is the Dunn & Bradstreet info .....dated 1989...
BTW if you are going to search the car is in Michigan, page 6 and selling for $15,995
Thank you!
I'm very surprised that they are selling this car. It is a FOUR door car. I thought these were sacred relics?? Now if it was a TWO door car, it would probably be sold in the middle of the night to a chop shop in NYC.
Just as a joke, I was wondering if some of you with a good sense of humor might post a few reasons why it would be good or bad to buy a car from the WT. I assume most of these would be CO's former cars. District O's probably have limos, right? It can't be the GB since most of them are so old they've probably had their driver's licenses revoked. They don't need them anyway because they walk on air. No, that's not it. They walk on WATER. That's the right attitude for a JW to have.
Whoops - first post and I got it wrong, sorry!
What I was going to say is........
Sadly this is nothing new, as back in the early 90's the CO's car was "advertised" from the platform - and I bought it!
One rule for them and another for the rest of the congregation!