We have not had any pictures posted yet of one of our next new posters on JWD. Please welcome Porcupine! Here is a picture of him and wings:
South Lake Tahoe Apostafest Pictures
by Mincan 134 Replies latest members meetups
JK and ELIVELETH- Wow ! What great pictures ! Thanks for posting them ! Really great looking folks at this apostafest ! And lovely on the inside as well ! It was a blast ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
You are awesome!!!
Thank you so much. I will try it again some time. With your instructions (if I can get it right) I
am sure I can.
Love you,
I love you too! Just remember to click on the "Direct Link" in Photobucket before pasting it into JWD.
I hope to see you and Joe sometime soon.
Your personal valet,
P.S. Thank you for trusting us with your van! And thank you for staying with the cookout sight with Aude while we went shopping for supplies.
Now here are some of the pictures from the Sunday brunch buffet at Harrah's in Stateline, NV.
Here is Porcupine enjoying the dy-no-mite food (we cashed in on the crablegs!):
wings, Mr. Flipper & Mrs. Flipper:
wings and Mr. Flipper:
Mr. Flipper making a funny face after eating too much
A happy Mincan at brunch:
And a picture from the 18th floor of Harrah's as we left lunch, with the smoke from the nearby forest fires closing in:
Well, that is about all of the pictures I have. Thank you to everyone that made this trip so special!!!
Awakened at Gilead
It looked like an awesome time with a great bunch of apostates!
I'll have to make the next one!
I would absolutely love to meet with you at an apostafest, or if we are in the same vicinity. Anytime, anywhere!
Peace out (in a good way )
Thanx for the QotSA, I am rockin' down the road, dude! It was as fun hanging with you this time as it was at the A&W Christmasapostafest! Maybe more.
And thank you for posting the first batch of pictures from your laptop from the A-fest for all of us. You were the only one with a computer in SLT, so thank you for starting this thread.
Love you a bunch, eh! You are my favorite little hoser.
JK- Great pictures of the brunch at Harrah's ! Nice views of the lake from the 18th floor ! I guess I did look pretty nauseous from eating too much, eh ? LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
I feel like I know you guys better because of the pics.
I want to reciprocate.I didn't catch who this guy on the left is- with the squirrel on his shirt.
I am not ready to totally come out, but I could be his older brother
if we went by looks.