Words in other languages which have different meanings to when we say them

by The Nothing Man 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Nothing Man
    The Nothing Man

    Does anybody know of any words, which are spelt and pronounced the same, which are used in other languages but which mean completely different things?

    As an example (which doesn't work I know) LOVE in English means affection, but LOVE in say, Spanish, means hate?

    Dumb example I know, but do you catch my drift?

  • jaydee

    This might not be what you are looking for exactly , because allegedly, it's still the same 'language',.... but,

    Online Etymology Dictionary -


    "buttocks," 1920, Amer.Eng., from earlier British meaning "vulva" (1879), perhaps from the name of John Cleland's heroine in the scandalous novel "Fanny Hill or Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure" (1748). The fem. proper name is a dim. of Frances.

    The genital sense is still the primary one outside U.S., but is not current in Amer.Eng., which can have consequences when U.S. TV programs and movies air in Britain.

  • funkyderek

    The German word "Gift" means poison. I can't currently think of any other good examples.

  • hamilcarr

    funkyderek's example makes me think of the Greek word pharmakon, which means both "poison" and "cure". It seems that semantic problems manifest itself even within one and the same language.

  • blondie


    damit - with it

    fahrt - to drive or travel

  • DubNoMo

    Chevy tried to introduce the Nova automobile to Latin America some years ago only to learn that "no va" meant, roughly, in Spanish, "it won't go."

    Stay alive 'til '75! ... ok, did that, now what?

  • CaptainSchmideo


    In Vietnam, it's the name of the National Currency

    In the US, it's the thing that can cost a man a lot of currency if he uses it where he shouldn't...

  • digderidoo

    Fancy a shag?


  • megs

    Sex in Swedish is six

  • Mr. Ted
    Mr. Ted

    OK, gotta ask: what prompted this question?

    Because it just so happens, in my twisted private life, I've got a "list." I'm sure I'm gonna regret this in the morning.

    kill (Arabic) friendly

    buzz (Arabic) nipple

    thumb (Albanian) teat

    gush (Albanian) to hug each other around the neck

    dad (Albanian) wet nurse or babysitter

    mama (Georgian) father

    bless (Icelandic) goodbye

    sofa (Icelandic) sleep

    punk (Japanese) flat tire

    fart (Turkish) talking nonsense

    arse (Turkish) violin bow

    finger (Yiddish) toe

    willing (Abowakal language, Australia) lips

    song (Vietnamese) to live life

    bash (Zulu) toe

    And the list goes on and on -- but out of mercy, I'll stop here.


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