The CO asked for more contributions

by outofthebox 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • james_woods

    One thing not quite obvious about all the land and the buildings - this may be viewed as something of a liability as well as an asset.

    Even if they can maintain a tax-free status on it, these buildings are expensive to light, heat, and maintain. Tax or not, city codes must be met. More and more expensive, in fact, as energy costs go through the roof.

    Just selling them is a public event, and as we have seen here - it can bring negaive public images in the press.

    Now, there is a bind from several directions - the business investments must be really off in this economy. The brothers just may not be able to squeeze out any more blood due to cost of living, gas, etc...

    And, in bad economic times where the real estate market has gone to pot - and loans are just about impossible to get - those buildings may not be so easy to sell as income production in the first place.

  • still_in74
    the influence of the internet as many pretend to be JWs and go to meeting to keep thier cover and not lose thier family and long time freinds. I'm sure there are quite a few of these types in almost every hall by now,, not to mention those who doubt but are afraid to make known thier doubts to avoid being labeled as an apostate.

    *raises hand*

    - and yes Mary, I am going to put 2 pennies on the box. I wonder if anyone will catch on. Although they havent caught on to my fake time reports yet. Or have they??????????

  • still_in74

    Plus, I think alot of older Dubs are leaving their estates to the Organization, along with cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, jewellry, etc.

    I know for a fact that a man died recently in a nearby city and get this, he was not actually baptized. He studied years ago, got the mags every month.
    He died and left 50% of his estate to the society (i know the executor of the will very well)

    to the tune of almost $200,000 !!! His non-JW family have their lawyers involved. If associated non-dubs are giving this kind of cash what are loyal dubbies giving???

    Needless to say it was hard for me not to cringe when he told me!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    hope the witlesses start putting more money into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund.

    Yes, WTWiz, I think the WT legal bills are skyrocketting! I wonder how much it costs just to fly Mario Moreno around for a year.

    B the X

  • flipper

    Well, well. Let's not be too harsh now . What's an organization to do with all the pending child abuse lawsuit cases ? Of course they have to get money from the brothers and sisters to cover those expensive suits against them - where else will they get it ? Oh- that's right. They freed up other money by laying off hundreds of workers from Bethel over the last 6 months ! Can anybody see the Watchtower society starting to squirm in the frying pan like the frog getting the heat gradually turned on underneath ! Ya gotta love it ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • justhuman

    That is really really nice....THEY ARE RUNNING OUT FROM MONEY...isn't this such a wonderful news?

    I liked the part of the increasing numbers in the congregations....since when dicrease is culculated as increase?

  • brinjen

    We don't have pennies in Oz, we round it off to the nearest 5c. So 2c rounded off is.... nothing.

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