we've misunderstood the nature of the universe again, and the solar system really does revolve around the Earth while appearing as if the planets are evolving around the sun?
What if
by John Doe 16 Replies latest jw friends
compound complex
Would Giordano Bruno - the first martyr for science - have died for naught?
Would Galileo Galilei have been forced by the Holy See to recant?
Well - we'd have to throw out virtually everything we know about physics, cosmology, astronomy, mathematical calculations, and direct observations.
So I kinda doubt it'll happen.
John Doe:
we've misunderstood the nature of the universe again, and the solar system really does revolve around the Earth while appearing as if the planets are evolving around the sun?
Well, that view of the universe can be made to "work". If the sun is revolving around the earth and the other planets are revolving around the sun, and the entire galaxy is revolving around our solar system, and so on, everything would look exactly as we observe it. However, we then have to abandon all our theories. Newton's theories of gravitation provided an elegant explanation for the observed facts, one we would have to completely abandon. Einstein's update of these theories too would have to go (especially if we insist on a fixed earth, meaning the stars would have to be hurtling through space at many times the speed of light). The only reason to hold a terracentric view of the universe is our own vanity. We would have to abandon all naturalistic theories of the universe as we would be basing our beliefs on an exception to what is observed everywhere else and we would be able to provide no good reason to claim the earth as the centre of the universe rather than, for example, Saturn or Halley's comet. So, simply put, it's so vanishingly unlikely that we can safely dismiss such an idea. It's as proven as anything in science can be, and unless religious fundamentalism takes a strong hold, we won't be returning to a pre-Copernican view of the universe.
I'm wondering what brings up the question. Is there something you've read? If so please share. I always like to consider all the possibilities, regardless how "realistic" society sees them. Though I do have to admit, that would go against many things I feel to be true. But definitely interesting to hear the info.
Indigo Insight -
Dont worry about it.
One hundred years from now there will be all new people.
If we make it past 2012.
Feenx: Have you never read any of JD's theads??? Please take this with a grain of good natured, though slightly odd, salt.
changeling :)
JD: What if the Eater Bunny and Santa Claus are real? Why did not bring me any presents? Did they know my parents were JW's? Did they really bring me presents but my parents tossed them in the demon burn pile? And what about the tooth fairy, do I owe her a bunch of teeth?
changeling :)
What if John Doe stopped wondering?? Would the sun refuse to shine??????????
What if...
...it's all a trick? You are the most powerful force in the universe and you
are being deceived by other forces into believing the universe is what you
see it as. The room you are in, the people you know, the sky, the earth,
the rain, the sun, the stars- none of it is real. It is simply an illusion constantly
produced around you to keep you from using your power.If you focus really hard and meditate really long, you can break through the
"matrix" around you and see reality for little glimpses. If you do this often
enough, the glimpses get longer. Eventually, you will see that you are not
what they have made you to believe.Even my words here are your own attempt at making sense of it all. It's
like that Twilight Zone episode (or some show) where the powerful entity
noticed it was raining outside his bedroom window, but not when he walked
outside. They occasionally make mistakes. Look for that.Perhaps, you even left clues for yourself- like in the BOURNE IDENTITY
trilogy. That's how I am able to type this possibility to you. While I am not
part of reality, I am part of the clues you left for yourself.WOW, this blows the mind.