Could we sue the WTS?

by nbernat 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hillbilly

    Not a lawyer either.

    Did they put a gun to your head or were you forced by threat to join or stay?

    Did they restrict your movement?

    Were any of your civil rights denied by leaders of the unit?

    Can you quantify damages, money, property lost?

    All questions that would need answers in a lawsuit. In the US most judges would not take a lot of time getting to the crux of your motion. Most of us could not provide solid evidence to support andy of the questions listed above. the US there is a seperation of church and state. Most judges will shy away from a lawsuit...unless there is clear civil or criminal intent... simply because it's a matter between church and (ex) member. Basically, most JW-EXJW-members beefs just are not the business of the court.


  • WTWizard

    They have ways of making themselves look innocent. They did not force you to join, and they make themselves look upright to the legal system. Even the government falls for their scams, meaning it is going to be tough to sue them.

    Beyond that, they like to drag these cases on. It will be many years before you see any of the money, and then they will have it put in another account so it cannot be touched. All the while, you will be running up court bills. Plus the chances of winning without substantial proof is very low, or none. Notice how difficult they make things to trace within the organization--so many items like banning entertainment and college, hounding people to pioneer, and the many forms of abuse within the organization that have no way to trace. That makes winning a case almost impossible.

    At the same time, they might try suing you for "breach of contract". When you got baptized, they will maintain that you agreed to do all you possibly can to serve the organization while obeying every single one of their rules, no matter what happens to you as a result and no matter how they change in the future. Once you go inactive, they will start claiming that you have breached the contract. Even people that do things to prevent themselves from getting "privileges" or that hold back in field circus for health reasons will be hounded in court if they ever decide to go after those cases.

  • jamiebowers

    From what I've read, it seems that the most successful law suits are ones for child molestation. However, a recent article said that the judge ruled in one case that the local congregations could be held liable but not the WTB&TS. Please see the post here:

    You've got to give these evil bastards credit. They cause a lot of damage in the name of profits and still can't be held legally liable. That's why sites like JWD are so important. Thinking people who are in the organization or potential converts can be warned about the cult status of jws.

  • undercover
    Were any of your civil rights denied by leaders of the unit?

    What about freedom of religion? Is that a civil right or constitional right? In either case, it's a right or freedom that has been trampled on.

    If you are a member of the JWs, you can't quit and join another religion without being slandered or defamed. Maybe not to the point of suing, but in reality, you are blacklisted, shunned and lied about, changing people's perception about you and your worth.

    I've come to realize that just by being born a JW, I've never had the freedom of religion without persecution. I don't even have freedom from religion without some form of persecution.

  • hillbilly

    If you are a member of the JWs, you can't quit and join another religion without being slandered or defamed. Maybe not to the point of suing, but in reality, you are blacklisted, shunned and lied about, changing people's perception about you and your worth.

    You can sue anyone for anything... if you cant make a case it wont be worth the filing fee.

    You would have to be able to quantify damages. I went through all this nonsense years lawyer did not charge me for the hour. Bob is one of the few lawyers I'd call a freind... he sat as a Circuit Court Judge for a few years too. A very ACLU kind of guy ...he's up on stuff like this.

    Best advise he ever gave me..." You have nothing better to do with your money, J ?'

    Again... most judges will dismiss just about all JW issues out of hand.

    Child molestation? That's criminal. And the disfellowship- you- if -you- call- the- police cover- up- stuff policy if proved.... that indicates culpability and possible conspiracy. I have not seen the polls but I figure the WT settles CM civil cases out of court to keep the "name out of the paper".


  • nbernat

    That's interesting. It stinks they cover their tracks so well with all of these "improvements" they've made to the Society to be more "loving" (i.e. "So-and-so is NO LONGER A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS")

    I heard they changed that from "has been disfellowshipped" BECAUSE of a lawsuit? Is this another myth??

  • burningbridges

    He was saying witnesses didn't put teeth under their pillows, not that the tooth fairy wasn't the one behind it. Geez, way over your head there....

  • nbernat

    Sorry maybe I'm just really slow but I re-read that and still didn't get it the way you're making it sound (or seen haha).

  • Gerard

    Can't sue somebody else for YOUR poor choices. Best move on and let go the anger. Don't hate. Be glad you have a life to look forward to.

  • peace

    I agree that the probability of suing and wining is not good. However, i sure wish i could. The way i see it in my case i did not choose to be a wittness. I was born a jw all my family members for the last three generations were jws. Although i did make the decision to get babtized i was too young to know what i was getting myself into. However, i know this probably would not stand up in court.

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