Wife attending DC, what can I expect when she returns?

by insearchoftruth 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • insearchoftruth

    I have read on this site about a new push against education, is this lifted up at all at the convention?? Her somewhat full time job is now supposed to be attending college to earn her degree, and she is very driven towards this, will be interesting to see if there is also a changed attitude on this as well.

    I think part of the link of her going to this is the pesky sister having stopped by when she was home, but also she talks a lot to a jw sister of hers (relative) that I believe has recently attended the DC in CA and is most likely enthusiasitic.

    There are a lot of issues with her family, the parents have been disfellowshipped and it sounds like her father is trying to maintain his association, but her mother is off and running!

  • sass_my_frass

    Be all flowers, hugs, dates and smiles when she gets back. It won't be difficult to be more interesting than what she's sat through, but the social manipulation might have gotten to her. Be good to come home to.

  • jgnat

    I'm the recipient of a fair bit of "encouragement" so I can tell you what THAT will be like. There's always a lot of hype about the drama on the closing day.

    "OH GOOD, you will get to see the DRAMA," said with great enthusiasm.

    Anyone with any sort of exposure to secular entertainment will be sufficiently underwhelmed. This particular drama is very bad because it's supposedly set in first century Christianity. Great liberties are taken. There is scant reference to scripture. The villain, for instance, "Scolios" is a rebel elder who scoffs at field service and suggests that time is better spent helping the poor. There's even a book-burning scene (since the books are of pagan origin, the book-burning is portrayed in a positive light).

    The pursuit of wealth (subtext furthering your education) is derided throughout the three days.

    I think your wife might hear a few things for her to think about. You might ask her if EVERYONE goes back to school simply to get a bigger paycheque, or if there is some intrinsic, non-monetary value in furthering her learning?

  • hillbilly
    The villain, for instance, "Scolios" is a rebel elder who scoffs at field service and suggests that time is better spent helping the poor. There's even a book-burning scene

    Alas poor Scolios, his spine is weak and his intentions are ignoble.

    Sorry, that name cracks me up...


  • WTWizard

    To answer the question about softening their stand against education, don't count on it. They have been talking about removing "privileges" from anyone who allows their children to go to college without a big fight or that even talks positively about it. That doesn't sound like softening up.

  • insearchoftruth

    I guess it will be interesting to see how much she takes in, she is one semester from an associates degree, about three from a bachelors degree with the desire to go on to additional education.

    Is there anything I can do prior to the assembly to prime her expectations so she will be able to 'separate the wheat from the chaff' and see through a lot of what they are saying. What questions can be asked to get her thinking, to get her to see that what is being said is fabricated by some folks in Brooklyn, not biblical?!?!?

  • insearchoftruth
  • kurtbethel

    For some visuals of my experience, I have moved them offsite. For your benefit and ejoyment they are found here:


  • Sasha

    A wonderful dinner for her "man"???????

  • insearchoftruth

    kurtbethel, appreciated the visual, really does not look all that exciting....

    Sasha, will make sure she is 'lovebombed' at home on her return as well!!

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