Copy of CO Letter/Outline Regarding Education - In Spanish

by grassyknoll07 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stillajwexelder

    It must be understood exactly what is porneia (ks91 p. 93; w06 15/7, pp. 29, 30). [Make sure that the elders have the updated definition (see the letter of 3 May 2003 to circuit overseers)]

    ??????????? Am I missing something

  • treadnh2o

    I can send you a couple of links if you are not sure what pornea is!:)

  • changeling

    Thanks everyone, this is exactlly what my elder friend said was discussed with the CO.

    Now, did anyone catch this on page 4:

    Situation: A publisher enters into a strictly contractual agreement to marry for the purpose of helping someone to obtain citizenship. After fulfilling the contract and obtaining a definitive divorce, the brother desires to remarry
    Question: Given that the marriage was never consummated, does this mean that they were never actually married? [That which formalizes the marriage is not sexual relations, but the marriage bond that legally unites the couple (w06 15/10 18-23)]
    When giving counsel, they should not rely upon their own understanding (Prov. 3:5, 6)
    Confirm the facts; investigate; ask for the help of the holy spirit
    Trust in the power of the Word of God and in the direction of His organisation (

    WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A witness can marry an illegal alien so they can obtain citizenship? Is that not fraud? Is that not cheating the "Superior Authorities"? If I was an elder and this letter was read at an elder's meeting I'd have to make a stink. This is wrong on sooo many counts!

    changeling :)

  • cabasilas

    I took the Spanish original PDF and added Valkyrie's English translation and put it into another PDF. It's about 800KB and can be downloaded here:

  • pseudoxristos

    Here is the spanish version of the text.

    As stated above, it is giving two situations where one is tolerated as long as it doesn't interfere with serving the Org. and the other situation is unexceptable because of wrong motivation and it interferes with serving the Org.


    Palabras saludables al hablar de la educación seglar (15 min.)
    El objectivo de la educación es poder alabar a jehová (w96 1/2 14 párr. 23).
    Lo que pensamos de la educación revela cuánta fe tenemos en la promesa de Dios de cuidar
    de sus siervos (Mt 6:33; Col 3:23, 24)
    Atender las necesidades personales y familia es un objectivo secundario (1Ti 6:6-8; w96 1/2
    14 párr. 22)
    Para tomar buenas decisiones, hay que prever los costos de la educación superior (Lu 14:28-30)
    Pregunta: ¿Qué costos implica una educación superior? [Monetarios, promueve el deseo de
    prominencia en el sistema de Satanás, ambiente de moral relajada, algunos han abandonado
    la verdad, etc. (w05 1/10 28, 29 párrs. 9-13)]
    Los padres deben ayudar de maneras prácticas a sus hijos a elegir una educación que les propor-
    cione un futuro feliz y duradero
    Concentrarse en las actividades de la congregación produce felicidad (Hch 20:35)
    Los primeros discípulos de Jesús renunciaron a profesiones prometedoras (Mt 4:18-22; 9:9;
    Col 4:14)
    No lo vieron como una pérdida (Mt 19:29)
    ¿Seguiría un hermano satisfaciendo los requisitos para tener privilegios en la congregación si él,
    su esposa o sus hijos cursaran estudios superiores? [pida comentarios breves sobre 1 Timoteo
    3:13 y Tito 1:9]
    Situación: El hijo de un anciano está estudiando la carrera de arquitectura, vive con sus pa-
    dres, es siervo ministerial, ha organizado su educación para que no estorbe las reuniones ne
    el ministerio, cada cierto tiempo es precursor auxiliar y la familia no promueve la idea de
    que otros deberían obtener ese tipo de educación
    Preguntas: Por su modo de vivir y el de su familia, ¿puede decirse que este anciano ense-
    ña a los suyos a poner el Reino en primer lugar? (Mt 6:33.) [Si algún hermano o miembro
    de su familia está recibiendo educación superior para encontrar un trabajo específico,
    no la promueve y está claro que tanto él como su familia buscan primero el Reino, sus
    privilegios de servicio no tienen por qué verse afectados. Algunas profesiones exigen que
    la persona reciba periódicamente cursos de actualización para que no pierda su licencia
    Situación: La hija de un anciano estudia en la universidad lejos de casa con el fin de ganar
    más dinero. El anciano y su esposa están contando a otros hermanos que su hija lo hace por-
    que ellos se lo pidieron pensando en la buena situación económica que ella tendrá y el pres-
    tigio que la familia ganará
    Preguntas: ¿Qué opinión tiene esta familia de lo que el esclavo fiel ha dicho sobre la educa-
    ción superior, según revelan sus plabras y conducta? (Sl 1:2, 3; 1Co 2:13-16; 3Jn 9)
    [Cuando un siervo nombrado promueve la educación superior para obtner ganancia eco-
    nómica o prestigio, esto pone en duda que cumpla los reguisitos para servir a la congrega-
    ción, pues se ven afectadas su franqueza de expresión y la de sus compañeros ancianos]

  • pseudoxristos

    Opps.... I didn't realize there was a second page with the translation already done.


  • sir82
    The first disciples of Jesus renounced promising professions

    This might well be the single most imbecilic thing they have ever written in 130 years.

    "Gosh Peter, are you sure you want to give up your lucrative career of...sustenance fisherman? Why, if you work really hard for the next 20 years and don't die from drowning before you reach age 40, you might be able to afford to buy a 1/10 share in your very own boat!"

    "Well, you know, even though I do have my Master's degree in net-throwing, I gladly renounce it all!"

    Idiots ^ 3.

  • sir82
    WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A witness can marry an illegal alien so they can obtain citizenship?


    How common is this practice, that the Society feels compelled to share it with 10's of thousands of elders in the US? It must be quite universal. I had no idea that JWs did this!

  • sir82
    [Make sure that the elders have the updated definition (see the letter of 3 May 2003 to circuit overseers)]

    ??????????? Am I missing something

    There was a letter in 2006 or so, outlining in excruciating detail what kind of pornography is a DFing offense.

    There was a bunch of hoo-ha on "mere uncleanness" vs. "uncleanness with greediness", the latter being grounds for DF. Various types of porn were explicitly described as fitting the description of "uncleanness with greediness".

    Here's a post from my elder's school's notes on this, from a few years ago:

  • yknot


    So basically it is don't ask, don't tell, & don't promote.

    I expect the next letter to explain what exactly is 'promoting'.....LOL


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