Were you really not considered a good little Witness?
Were you one of the "bad" ones that everyone was cautioned about?
by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends
Were you really not considered a good little Witness?
Were you one of the "bad" ones that everyone was cautioned about?
As a tennager, i was bad. After that, i changed into a nice, conformist, helpful jw. I remained so, until i suddenly went apostate after a few decades. It can happen to the best of them;) Yah, i'm BAD.
I was always considered a
"good" example.
...Look at me now.
one of the "bad" ones that everyone was cautioned about?
I just got dunked to make the parents happy and get the elders off my ass.
That "good" part of me lasted maybe 6 months........I was the one that made the elders work for their titles!!
I was very good until I was 19 and got engaged. It all went to hell from there....
Oh yes indeed. I've always been considered bad association. Thing is, I never really did anything to earn the title except:
Get depressed and tried to kill myself at 14. What?! Jehovah's witnesses are supposed to be happy! I must have "had a demon in me."
Not pioneer. Chose college instead.
Listened to rock n' roll music. And loved it. And went to concerts to "idolize" my favorite bands.
I never had too many JW friends and the ones I did have, suddenly stopped when any of the above was gossiped about regarding me.
Lady Z, you were bad ass ociation.
I was a very middle-of-the-road Witness, with auxiliary pioneering once as the 'highlight' of my 'career'. I was told though, that if I could just keep up my ten (or was it fifteen?) hours a month, I would be considered for MS soon. Never happened, but then again, I don't think I managed to keep up the hours. Just as well.
I was a pretty good JW to get to where I went...
But the last 4 years of JWdom I became the subject of local needs parts and marking talks... that did me a favor... made me realize that I don't need this BS.
Now I'm a pretty cool wordly guy...