No JW-info booth at the airport?

by Jim_TX 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Jim_TX

    Yesterday, I had the opportunity to go to the airport and take my wifes' son - who had to fly back home - to the airport.

    Usually, I have a mixture of dread, and anticipation as I walk through the airport, as the JWs have an airport-provided kiosk where only the elite JWs are allowed to man (or woman), and hand out literature (you have to be on a list to do this - and usually only long-time pioneers get the opportunity). The previous trip - when we picked him up, I seem to remember it was there, and I gave a big smile - and 'hello' to the individuals posted there with their litter-ature scattered about on the kiosk tabletop.

    Well... yesterday... I looked for the kiosk - thinking that I would like to say 'hello' again as we passed by. It wasn't there. I mean... sometimes, it's there - but not 'manned'. No one is there, but the kiosk is sitting off to the side. It just flat wasn't there.

    There is a second kiosk - where the city puts volunteers - who hand out leaflets about the city - things to do - places to go, etc. It was there (although no volunteers were there).

    So... after a bit of thought, I have to wonder... did the kiosk - and the JW permission to use it - get pulled?

    Or... perhaps the kiosk was 'out for repairs' - maybe a disgruntled traveller kicked the fool out of the kiosk, and it needs repairs.

    I just found it odd... and slightly disappointing... as I was looking forward to telling those folks 'hello'.


    Jim TX

  • NewYork44M

    I used to fly into San Antonio and see a wt info booth. Are we talking about the same airport?

  • Jim_TX
    "I used to fly into San Antonio and see a wt info booth. Are we talking about the same airport?"

    Yuppers. (We only have one airport here in San Antonio... well, that the larger planes can land at. - If you flew in - in a Cessena, you might have landed at one of the smaller airports. *grin*)

  • carla

    Maybe they got into a fight with the Moonies?

    Jw's at an airport?! ewww, never heard of it

  • dogisgod

    There used to be one in the Oakland CA airport. It was a bag fold up table usually with two sisters and a lot of literature laid out. Haven't seen it for a long time.

  • WTWizard

    I hope the witlesses lost permission to do that when they got too aggressive and caused people to complain about not being left alone.

  • chrisjoel

    I cant believe what i just read. An airport allows a religious group to solicit passengers? Here in Ontario a freakin taxi driver cannot solicit passengers inside the terminal legally Let alone a JW. In fact at Toronto Pearson International a deaf person handing out pamphlets in exchange for a donation is seen as unwanted activity in the terminal building. If JWs put their literature for free in the Terminal thats one thing but to have a kiosk in the terminal would get them Laughed OUT of the building for one thing and an endless barrage of complaints to the AP managers office. OMG I cant think of anything more embarrasing for them or for me ..ROTFLMAO

  • Jim_TX
    "I hope the witlesses lost permission to do that when they got too aggressive and caused people to complain about not being left alone."

    Well... that's the odd thing about it. They are usually 'passive' - that is, I rarely see them approach passengers. The people travelling through usually give the kiosk a glance - and keep walking. I have only seen them once or twice - engaged in conversation with some poor sap.

    There was once when I approached them - and handed (or tried to) the U.N. document - that showed the WTBTS was a member of the... well whatever they signed up for... anyway, I tried to hand it to the fella that was there at the time. He asked me 'What is it?' (while looking down at me over his long beakish nose). I told him, and he didn't reach out to take it, but rather shook his head and said, 'No thanks.' I found it humorous, and laughed out loud at him - and left shaking my head.

    Another occassion, they were talking to some poor soul, and as I walked by, I said - loudly - "Run! Run for your life!" I don't think that they liked that too much.

    Usually - as I pass by, I'll just give them a big smile - and politely speak to them (I actually kinda feel sorry for them). If they try to offer me anything, I'll wave them off with a 'No thanks. Been there - done that - don't want the t-shirt.' as I keep walking past. That usually gets a puzzled look.

    If they lost their 'permission' to use the kiosk (it's considered a 'public service' - and free to almost any group to use), then I feel that it may have been by a passenger who complained about letting child-molesters - or pedophiles - have access to public facilities like the kiosk. But... that's just a guess - or wishful thinking.

    No... It's more likely that they are refurbishing the kiosk. *sigh*


    Jim TX

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    So the "Great Tribulation IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • cabasilas

    The Medford, Oregon airport still has a table that the JWs distribute literature from. It looks like an easy assignment, as the Witnesses who work it just sit next to the table and only talk to people who stop to look at the literature display. The conversations are just limited offering the literature. I've never seen anyone offer any money or any contribution solicited. I'm at the airport from time to time and I've rarely seen anyone take the literature, but I'm sure some people do.


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