Yesterday, I had the opportunity to go to the airport and take my wifes' son - who had to fly back home - to the airport.
Usually, I have a mixture of dread, and anticipation as I walk through the airport, as the JWs have an airport-provided kiosk where only the elite JWs are allowed to man (or woman), and hand out literature (you have to be on a list to do this - and usually only long-time pioneers get the opportunity). The previous trip - when we picked him up, I seem to remember it was there, and I gave a big smile - and 'hello' to the individuals posted there with their litter-ature scattered about on the kiosk tabletop.
Well... yesterday... I looked for the kiosk - thinking that I would like to say 'hello' again as we passed by. It wasn't there. I mean... sometimes, it's there - but not 'manned'. No one is there, but the kiosk is sitting off to the side. It just flat wasn't there.
There is a second kiosk - where the city puts volunteers - who hand out leaflets about the city - things to do - places to go, etc. It was there (although no volunteers were there).
So... after a bit of thought, I have to wonder... did the kiosk - and the JW permission to use it - get pulled?
Or... perhaps the kiosk was 'out for repairs' - maybe a disgruntled traveller kicked the fool out of the kiosk, and it needs repairs.
I just found it odd... and slightly disappointing... as I was looking forward to telling those folks 'hello'.
Jim TX