I would like copies of any of the newer books since 2002. Are there online copies or would anyone be willing to send them to me. This is strictly out of curiosity. I would write to the JWs but I don't want a visit. I just want to keep up on the teachings because my whole family is still in.
New Books
by FreudianSlip 20 Replies latest watchtower bible
.. and while I'm at it. Could someone list the New Light or new teachings/procedures that have come out over the last 6 or so years?
Come on! Help a sista out!
Wordly Andre
have you checked your local library?
FS, you aren't missing anything.
Wordly Andre
BTS, you mean same shit new packaging?
You really need a hobby...don't you have anything better to do than sit around and read WT publications...
BTS, you mean same shit new packaging?
Yes. There has been nothing new in over 20 years. A couple of dribbles in Watchtowers, maybe. The last creative thing they did was the Revelation Climax book. Climax is right. BTS
You really need a hobby...don't you have anything better to do than sit around and read WT publications...
I have plenty thank you. Still, I want to know what my family is basing their desicions on and I am curious... I see nothing wrong with that. Thanks Blondie!