I can not remember if I ever mention this before but this happend to me a while back and it was something that contributed to my final exit.
Before my final fade I faded for about a year and felt remorse (I was still under the"spell") so I did the necessary to go back. A few weeks after my return it was our CO visit and this CO I really liked. He wanted to go out in service with me because he was curious as to why I left and came back and also he wanted to do his CO duty and help this lost sheep. He just came back from a stay at Bethel and he was full of holly spirit. He ask me why I stop going to meetings. I told him that I did not like the way the WTBTS functioned. He said "what do you mean?" I said "well I find that for an organisation that is not supposed to be part of the world I find that they operate exactly like the world" He had a very confused look on his face " I really don't see how you can say that" to which I replied " you see the way I see it it is like the army, you have generals, lieutenants, soldier etc.. We have a very specific code and a uniform. We must report things back to the main base etc.."
After that the look on his face became more of a panic look, he did not know what to say, all he said was " I ..I have never seen it that way". I was surprised by his response and felt bad (at the time) because my intent was not to freak him out but to have answers, he was a CO and for me back then that meant he had wisdom and was spiritually strong but instead me a young rebellious publisher just by saying something so simple I was putting this man faith to the test. He could not say anything to reassure me so he asked " what made you come back if that's what you fell?" I could see he was now the one that needed to be reassured. I said well it's not a perfect org. but they are trying their best. What a lame response but that's all I could think of. A few months after I finally left for good. This incident was just another drop in the flood that drowned my faith.