When I "stumbled" a CO.

by Anti-Christ 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Anti-Christ

    I can not remember if I ever mention this before but this happend to me a while back and it was something that contributed to my final exit.

    Before my final fade I faded for about a year and felt remorse (I was still under the"spell") so I did the necessary to go back. A few weeks after my return it was our CO visit and this CO I really liked. He wanted to go out in service with me because he was curious as to why I left and came back and also he wanted to do his CO duty and help this lost sheep. He just came back from a stay at Bethel and he was full of holly spirit. He ask me why I stop going to meetings. I told him that I did not like the way the WTBTS functioned. He said "what do you mean?" I said "well I find that for an organisation that is not supposed to be part of the world I find that they operate exactly like the world" He had a very confused look on his face " I really don't see how you can say that" to which I replied " you see the way I see it it is like the army, you have generals, lieutenants, soldier etc.. We have a very specific code and a uniform. We must report things back to the main base etc.."

    After that the look on his face became more of a panic look, he did not know what to say, all he said was " I ..I have never seen it that way". I was surprised by his response and felt bad (at the time) because my intent was not to freak him out but to have answers, he was a CO and for me back then that meant he had wisdom and was spiritually strong but instead me a young rebellious publisher just by saying something so simple I was putting this man faith to the test. He could not say anything to reassure me so he asked " what made you come back if that's what you fell?" I could see he was now the one that needed to be reassured. I said well it's not a perfect org. but they are trying their best. What a lame response but that's all I could think of. A few months after I finally left for good. This incident was just another drop in the flood that drowned my faith.

  • caliber

    This clearly shows that even small truth may click or reach the reasoning power of anyone at anytime !

    Never underestimate the power of words!


  • daniel-p

    Interesting, AC, thanks for sharing.

  • changeling

    Or maybe the look on his face meant: "Oh, shit, this guy's an apostate! Now what do I do?" LOL

    changeling :)

  • yknot

    Fine I will be the one to ask.....

    Who was the CO?

  • Anti-Christ

    Or maybe the look on his face meant: "Oh, shit, this guy's an apostate! Now what do I do?" LOL

    changeling :)

    That is possible, I wish I was able to read his mind.

  • Anti-Christ

    Fine I will be the one to ask.....

    Who was the CO?

    Sorry I totally forgot his name but I could describe him to you. He his tall he kind of looks like Pierce Brosnan. You probably don't now him any way he his french Canadian. He was a very good speaker.

  • hillary_step
    After that the look on his face became more of a panic look, he did not know what to say, all he said was " I ..I have never seen it that way".

    Frankly, unless the CO was somebody like Norm Lum, or Gary Willichuk whose gall bladder would explode if they had to think outside the 'box', I found most CO's pretty much immune to even the most outrageous scenarios. These guys are like downtown Staff Seargant's and have seen everything from child abuse, adultery and abortions on one hand of the spectrum to skullduggery, nepotism and very boring publishers on the other. I doubt whether you really shocked him too much. They may make a pretence of shock, but that particular gift comes with the job after a while.

    I remember years ago during my first virginal week as a Temp CO having to sort out a married elder in a congregation who was having an affair with not one, but three women at the same time. He had not reported his moral slips because somehow he had persuaded every one of these women to have anal sex with him rather than engage in the conventional mode and convinced them that it did not really count as 'fornication' so there was no need to report it. I have to wonder at his powers of persuation, and the naievity of the recipients of his 'love'.

    Believe me, this situation was just the beginning of a baptism of fire.


  • Anti-Christ
    I remember years ago during my first virginal week as a Temp CO having to sort out a married elder in a congregation who was having an affair with not one, but three women at the same time. He had not reported his moral slips because somehow he had persuaded every one of these women to have anal sex with him rather than engage in the conventional mode and convinced them that it did not really count as 'fornication' so there was no need to report it. I have to wonder at his powers of persuation, and the naievity of the recipients of his 'love'.


    Frankly, unless the CO was somebody like Norm Lum, or Gary Willichuk whose gall bladder would explode if they had to think outside the 'box', I found most CO's pretty much immune to even the most outrageous scenarios.
    doubt whether you really shocked him too much. They may make a pretence of shock, but that particular gift comes with the job after a while.

    Maybe, it is something I'd considered but he still did not know what to say to me to make "everything okay". The important thing in my opinion is not the genuinity of his response but how I perceived it at the time and the effect it had on me.

  • yknot
    Sorry I totally forgot his name but I could describe him to you. He his tall he kind of looks like Pierce Brosnan. You probably don't now him any way he his french Canadian. He was a very good speaker

    Dayum....we alway got the doofy looking or older then moses types!...

    Never know.....my hubby is half French Canadian.....and we reunion in BC this August......LOL

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