Why do we

by IP_SEC 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC
    hates gay people because they weren't nice to him.

    Yes thats true noni. Ima have a talk wit him if he will call. 337 540 8375/ go for it JG.

    PS: Great larf at the expense of the goats LOL.

  • BFD

    It should be all about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ! ! ! ! !

    He's stealin my thunder ! And from the looks of it vieing for my Obnoxious Queen Crown ! I won't give it up, I just won't! I swear I'll scratch his eyes out !

    OQ - Forevah!

  • Priest73

    dude, I'm gunna have to write that number in the bathroom at work!

  • dinah

    BFD, if we EVER get to hang out, whose gonna be the Queen Biatch??

  • SixofNine

    the other thing is that the guy in question has severe personality disorder issues, and no one here will be able to shout those issues out of him. It's hard to be sympathetic when a person of at least somewhat normal IQ is spouting crazy, irrational, disorder based beliefs, I know. But if he had cancer, or was missing a leg, we'd have sympathy, even if he wouldn't admit his leg was gone.

    This db is not a place for armchair therapy, but neither is it a place for whipping the mentally ill.

  • BFD

    If you have to ask you answered your own question!


  • IP_SEC

    Watch, pretty soon Ima ignore priest so much he stop posting on this thread. alt

    Ahhhh... BFD.... ahhhhh alt

  • Priest73

    I'll pull a stilla, and post the same shit twenty times...

  • IP_SEC

    Thatsa very good point sixy. Thank you.

  • Priest73

    alright. I'll slink away with my tail between my legs...

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