What do the #'s mean?

by bite me 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bite me
    bite me

    I am currious as to what the number talks mean. I read a few posts that refer to "I had to do the # 2 talk" or " I had to do the # 4 talk"

    What exactly does this mean?

    And why are people assigned/forced to do these?

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    JWs are "encouraged" to join the Theocratic Ministry School aka How to seel publications. They are assigned talks (mini sales blurbs) There are usually 5 talks. Women/sisters are assigned talks # 3 and 4. Men are assigned the others.

    They must stand on the platform and give their speech. Sisters are not allowed to face the audience so they have another person act as the "householder" prospective target

  • FadingAway

    There are 6 parts on the theocratic ministry school:




    During 2007 the following will be the arrangements for conducting the Theocratic Ministry School.

    SOURCE MATERIAL: NewWorldTranslationoftheHolyScriptures [bi12], TheWatchtower [w], BenefitFromTheocraticMinistrySchoolEducation [be], "AllScriptureIsInspiredofGodandBeneficial" (1990 Edition) [si], and ReasoningFromtheScriptures (1989 Edition) [rs].

    The school should begin ON TIME with song, prayer, and remarks of welcome and then proceed as outlined below. After each part, the school overseer will introduce the next part.

    SPEECH QUALITY: 5 minutes. The school overseer, the auxiliary counselor, or another qualified elder will discuss a speech quality based on the MinistrySchool textbook. (In congregations with a limited number of elders, qualified ministerial servants may be used.)

    ASSIGNMENT NO. 1: 10 minutes. This should be handled by a qualified elder or ministerial servant, and it will be based on TheWatchtower,BenefitFromTheocraticMinistrySchoolEducation, or "AllScriptureIsInspiredofGodandBeneficial." It is to be delivered as a ten-minute instruction talk. The objective should be not just to cover the material but to focus attention on the practicalvalue of the information being discussed, highlighting what will be most helpful to the congregation. The theme shown should be used. It is expected that brothers assigned this talk will be careful to keepwithinthetimelimit. Private counsel may be given as needed.

    HIGHLIGHTS FROM BIBLE READING: 10 minutes. For the first five minutes, a qualified elder or ministerial servant should apply the material to local needs. He may comment on any portion of the assigned Bible reading for the week. This should not be just a summary of the assigned reading. The principal objective is to help the audience to appreciate why and how the information is of value. The speaker should be careful not to exceed the five minutes allotted for the opening portion. He should ensure that five minutes are set aside for audience participation. The audience should be invited to offer brief comments (30 seconds or less) on what they have appreciated in the Bible reading and its benefits. The school overseer will then dismiss the students who are assigned to other classrooms.

    ASSIGNMENT NO. 2: 4 minutes or less. This is a reading to be given by a brother. The student should read the assigned material without giving an introduction or a conclusion. The school overseer will be especially interested in helping students to read with understanding, fluency, proper sense stress, modulation, appropriate pausing, and naturalness.

    ASSIGNMENT NO. 3: 5 minutes. This will be assigned to a sister. Students receiving this assignment will either be assigned a setting or select one from the list appearing on page 82 of the MinistrySchool textbook. The student should use the assigned theme and apply it to an aspect of field service that is realistic and practical for the local territory. When no references are indicated as source material, the student will need to gather material for this part by doing research in our publications. Newer students should be given assignments for which references are supplied. The school overseer will be particularly interested in the way the student develops the material and the way she helps the householder to reason on the Scriptures and to understand the key points of the presentation. The school overseer will assign one assistant.

    ASSIGNMENT NO. 4: 5 minutes. The student should develop the assigned theme. When no references are indicated as source material, the student will need to gather material for this part by doing research in our publications. When assigned to a brother, this part should be given as a talk with the Kingdom Hall audience in mind. When a sister is given this part, it should always be presented as outlined for Assignment No. 3. The school overseer may give a brother Assignment No. 4 whenever he sees fit to do so. Please note that themes with an asterisk next to them should always be assigned to brothers to develop as talks.

    COUNSEL: 1 minute. The school overseer will not announce in advance the speech quality that a student is working on. After Assignments No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4, the school overseer will offer positive observations on an aspect of the talk that was commendable. His aim is not simply to say "well done" but, rather, to draw attention to specific reasons why that aspect of the presentation was effective. According to the need of each student, additional constructive counsel may be given privately after the meeting or at another time.

    TIMING: No talk should go overtime, nor should the remarks of the counselor. Assignments No. 2 through 4 should tactfully be stopped when the time is up. If brothers handling the opening talk on a speech quality, Assignment No. 1, or highlights from the Bible reading go overtime, they should be given private counsel. All should watch their timing carefully. Total program: 45 minutes, excluding song and prayer.

    COUNSEL FORM: In textbook.

    AUXILIARY COUNSELOR: The body of elders may select a capable elder, if one is available in addition to the school overseer, to handle the assignment as auxiliary counselor. If there are a number of elders in the congregation, then a different qualified elder may care for this assignment each year. The auxiliary counselor’s responsibility will be to give private counsel, if needed, to brothers who present Assignment No. 1 and Bible highlights. It is not necessary that he offer counsel after each of such talks by fellow elders or by ministerial servants.

    ORAL REVIEW: 30 minutes. Every two months, the school overseer will conduct an oral review. It will be preceded by the consideration of a speech quality and highlights from the Bible reading as outlined above. The oral review will be based on material considered in the school over the preceding two months, including the current week. If your congregation has a circuit assembly during an oral review week, then the review (and the rest of the weekly schedule) should be postponed one week and the subsequent week’s schedule should be used one week early. If the circuit overseer will be visiting your congregation during an oral review week, then the song, the speech quality talk, and Bible highlights should be presented as scheduled. The instruction talk (given after the speech quality talk) should be drawn from the following week’s schedule. The Theocratic Ministry School for the next week will proceed with the speech quality talk and Bible highlights as scheduled, followed by the oral review.

  • horrible life
    horrible life
    (mini sales blurbs)

    Lady Lee, LOL LOL LOL LOL OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so true. I have to work this into a conversation with my sister.

  • Greensleeves

    JWs are "encouraged" to join the Theocratic Ministry School aka How to seel publications. They are assigned talks (mini sales blurbs) There are usually 5 talks. Women/sisters are assigned talks # 3 and 4. Men are assigned the others.

    They must stand on the platform and give their speech. Sisters are not allowed to face the audience so they have another person act as the "householder" prospective target

    I found the Theocratic Ministry School very beneficial to me when I was growing up. It taught me public teaching skills.

    The No. 2 talk is a bible reading with pauses during the 5 minutes to explain what the verses are relevant to. The No. 4 talk is a little bit more detailed and isn't so much a "bible reading" as it is a 6 minute talk about a subject with scriptures used as reference in the talk.

    Granted, women didn't have the same assignments and their speaches were two sisters giving a demonstration of a typical bible study. Sitting down at a table like would be expected at a bible study with someone in the ministry.

    I understand how this is unfair to women. They don't have the same place as men in the JW congregation. I am sure they could give the same talks as men but were never given the opportunity.

  • StAnn

    Well, this threw me:

    ASSIGNMENT NO. 2: 4 minutes or less. This is a reading to be given by a brother. The student should read the assigned material without giving an introduction or a conclusion. The school overseer will be especially interested in helping students to read with understanding, fluency, proper sense stress, modulation, appropriate pausing, and naturalness.

    Now, for the #2 talk, all it consists of is bible reading with no commentary at all? Anyone?


  • StAnn
    ASSIGNMENT NO. 3: 5 minutes. This will be assigned to a sister. Students receiving this assignment will either be assigned a setting or select one from the list appearing on page 82 of the MinistrySchool textbook. The student should use the assigned theme and apply it to an aspect of field service that is realistic and practical for the local territory. When no references are indicated as source material, the student will need to gather material for this part by doing research in our publications.

    And another question, this time on the #3 talk. Students are now "assigned a setting or select one from the list"? We used to make up our own settings. And if no references are given, the WTS specifically states that students must gather material by "doing research in our publications." Seems like I remember people often quoting outside sources. Is this a recent change, a way the WTS is being more controlling in light of the internet?


  • watson
    ORAL REVIEW: 30 minutes. Every two months,

    I really wish this came along more often. Should be conducted by a sister though.

  • Solace1998

    the jws are actually quite liberal compared to what the bible says -- they tried to find the best way possible for women to participate without disobeying the bibles counsel on not letting women teach in the cong.

    can you really slight them (for that) ?

  • DJK

    I did the number two talk many times. Never did well with emphesis and gestures. It's hard to do gestures when your resisting the desire to give the universal gesture and walk off the platform.

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